Yoga + veggie BBQ

Yoga + BBQ végé - BBQ Québec

What could be more improbable than combining yoga and BBQ? Yet, last Saturday, that's exactly what BBQ Québec offered us, at its brand new branch located in the heart of the Jean Talon market in Montreal. Yoga and veggie BBQ? Why not!

Having been a passionate yoga practitioner for 9 years and a seasoned BBQ fan, I came out of my meditative state, turned off the burners on my BBQ and traveled the 250 km that separate Quebec City and Montreal to unite my two greatest passions! Having the chance to wear yoga pants while eating BBQ with other gourmet yogis is without a doubt my definition of happiness!

As soon as we arrived on site, we were greeted by the BBQ Québec team, who directed us to a shaded corner, where pretty orange carpets and bottles of fire water awaited us. Background music, the smell of coal and sunshine were there. About forty people were gathered for this different and innovative event. An ideal gift for Mother's Day, mothers were accompanied by their children; young and old!

That's when the bubbly Andréanne, from the Namazé studio ( ), led a flow yoga session. A flow accessible to everyone; from the curious companion to the experienced yogi. A yoga session that was both energizing and relaxing. A moment to calm the tumults of the mind and take care of your body. It was with my gaze turned towards myself, calm and soothed, through the incessant movements of the city, that I abandoned myself to yoga. Then, towards the end of the session, Andréanne invited us all to unite together, in the present moment. It was therefore hand in hand that we were able to appreciate the power of shared practice and fill up on gratitude for what was happening...

Afterwards, we were invited to celebrate with a vegetarian BBQ. The BBQ Québec team served us freshly prepared Margherita pizzas and grilled peach, chocolate bread and halloumi cheese skewers, then topped with caramel sauce. A pure delight!

Because when you say veggie BBQ, you also mean an infinite world of possibilities; each one as exciting as the next! Well-browned fish, marinated tofu skewers, vegetarian burgers made with legumes or lentils, grilled vegetable salads, sandwiches, warm and melting cheeses, toast, nachos, fruity desserts… Vegetarian BBQ has no limits other than your imagination!

For me, whether it's around a BBQ or inside a yoga session, the result is the same. I am fully aware, well anchored in the present moment and I forget the worries of everyday life. When I have the chance to do both at the same time, it's even better!

I invite you to monitor the BBQ Québec blog for recipe ideas and the events section of the website to follow the different activities!

Namasté to BBQ Québec, for suggesting this activity!

Namaste to the team, who have proven that vegetarian BBQ is not only possible, but highly compatible and delicious!

Namasté to Andréanne, for guiding the yoga session!

And finally, Namasté to all those who were there to share this experience with me!

See photos from the event BBQ & Yoga .

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