Touch Down BBQ Quebec!

Touch Down BBQ Québec! - BBQ Québec

Last year, many of you came to enjoy the Alouettes BBQ Québec Tailgates. After this excellent ground game, the Alouettes made a long pass to us all the way into the end zone for a spectacular touchdown.

For the 2018 season, the Alouettes are setting up the BBQ Québec terrace. Located directly behind the end zone, you can watch the Alouettes' home games.

The BBQ Québec terrace is not just a choice section to attend an Als game. It is also an opportunity to experience a game with our team while enjoying BBQ that we will have prepared with love for you!

You will even have the opportunity to participate in the success of our team by distracting the players of the opposing team with the delicious smell of your beef ribs, your mac-n-cheese , the best BBQ beans in the world or your chili.

“Ready, Set, Hot BBQ!” Hot BBQ! Hot BBQ! »

For a very long time, BBQ has been part of Football traditions. That is why the Alouettes and BBQ Québec wanted to offer you the ultimate experience for football fans as well as BBQ lovers.

The elevated terrace will give you one of the best views of the entire stadium on the game in a VIP party atmosphere. The BBQ meal and non-alcoholic drinks are included* in the package. A bar is available for more festive thirsts.

Who am I going to the BBQ Québec terrace with?

The terrace was designed to please all football fans. You are a "gang of friends" who never miss an Alouettes match, this is the place for you.

Are you colleagues who want to experience a 5 to 7 that is out of the ordinary? Book your babysitter for the children immediately.

What more could you ask for?

Attend an Alouettes game, meal included?

The Terrasse BBQ Québec packages are sold from only $84 (season subscription rate / individual ticket for a game, $99, taxes included).

In summary, you have:

• One of the best places to watch the Alouettes game,

• A BBQ dinner designed by Max and JP Lavoie, the two founders of BBQ Québec,

• The craziest match atmosphere you will ever experience surrounded by other football and BBQ enthusiasts,

• Non-alcoholic drinks included*,

• A bar at your disposal to avoid queuing.

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