Entertaining at home in low and slow By Anthony Bélanger

Recevoir à la maison en low and slow Par Anthony Bélanger - BBQ Québec

You have decided to invite friends or family family for dinner on a beautiful Saturday summer evening. People will be able to arrive early, enjoy the pool, talk loudly, get drunk and leave the children eat way too many popsicles . At the end of this memorable day, especially because your patio will be stained by all that sweet, colorful ice cream that has melted, you will have to feed this happy band of hungry people. Then you get the idea to make a very large piece of meat to feed everyone at once.

This same piece of meat which will be cooked for a very long time and which is eaten at the same time cooking temperature for everyone. No management of:

• I eat it bleeding!

• I eat it blue!

• I like it well cooked, slightly burnt and tasteless… why isn’t your meat in the fridge? What!?! You let your meat cool down, but there, the bacteria, have you thought about it? Go wash your hands…

My sincere apologies, I will no longer let my mother play a role in my blog posts… Excuse me one more second.

- It is super good quality organic steaks, you have to let them rest... Bacteria will burn in the embers directly, my hands are clean I washed them two seconds ago.


So you think inviting lots of people and doing some cooking long is a good idea. It might not be.

To succeed in long cooking, often smoked, you have to cook it in a way that is stable. So unless you have a pellet smoker handy hand, you will have to spend more time at your BBQ than you will spend with your guests.

If you're like me and don't like it when a stranger on the internet contacts you tell me what to do, I'll give you my tips to make your cooking enjoyable and to spend time with your guests in the pool doing the most whirlwind that the earth has ever known.

A BBQ can be moved :

Whether you own a Kettle, a Kamado, a Off-Set or even a propane BBQ, you will need to constantly keep an eye on BBQ temperature. Be strategic. You know your activities yard. Place your BBQ so that it is visible no matter what activity you are doing. do.

If you have kids over or that friend who always drinks too much, think safety. Place chairs around the BBQ to prevent someone from falling on it and does not burn itself.

Unity is strength:

I don't know about you, but my guests always ask me what they can do to help me. It's time to seize the opportunity and let the leader in you take flight. Assign the task of monitoring the BBQ to people they trust. They will have felt very useful and that is Still nicer than being asked to do the dishes.

A hungry guest is not good:

The charm of BBQ is that it is often very It's hard to predict when it will be ready. As they say so well in French: Don't cook the time, cook the temp ! Do not cook according to the time of cooking, cook according to the internal temperature of the meat.

Also, Murphy's Law being what it is, whatever happens when it must not happen.

The solution for guests who start complaining that they are hungry, that they thought they would eat at 6 o'clock, that they need food because the mixture of sun and sangria begins to hit hard, it is to prepare some snacks. If there is room in your smoker or BBQ, throw a few sausages on the grill to have small bites that will satisfy the most crying with happiness.

Go Go BBQ Gadget:

Gadgets to simplify your experience cooking there are a ton of them. I will quickly present to you my favorites for three different types of budget:

Low Budget: The DOT from Thermoworks. It is a probe that can be planted in the piece of meat. The dial is outside the BBQ. Simple, effective, of impeccable quality. It is also possible to put a probe for the ambient temperature. I use it to easily see the internal temperature of my BBQ. For just over $50.00, this is definitely a must-have.

Mid Budget: The iGrill II. Again, a probe thermometer that allows to accommodate up to 4 different probes. Its advantage: it is possible to connect the iGrill has an app on your phone and receives notifications on the temperatures of the meat or the ambient temperature of its BBQ. Approximately $130.00 but you will have to add a few dollars to have a room temperature probe.

Big Budget: The Flame Boss. This device allows you to control the temperature of its BBQ automatically. A small fan is placed on the air inlet of your BBQ and the probe keeps an eye on the temperature for you. You just have to choose the temperature you want to keep while cooking with the application that connects to the device. The small fan takes care of sending air or cutting off the air in order to keep a constant temperature. An investment of around 300.00 $ that is worth every penny spent.

So if you decide not to listen to me and still receive in low'n' slow , I hope at least that my little tips and tricks will help you enjoy your day with your guests…

No mom, she's fine cooked the brisket , the pink is not because it's bloody, it's a smoke ring ... It's a chemical reaction because smoke… No I haven’t started smoking again… The smoke that smoked the meat makes it pink, but well-cooked pink not undercooked pink… It’s not the same pink… At worst I have soda crackers and margarine for you.

I promise I won't invite my mother to my parties anymore. tickets.

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