October Featured Client: Interview with a Hunter

Client Vedette d'octobre: Entrevue avec un chasseur - BBQ Québec

Our star client of the October is a proud hunter whose devouring passion is felt from the very beginning. the first exchanges. Few people speak with such love for the nature and for animals that Bruno Lamarche does.

At what age did you start hunting? ?

I started hunting when I was in my thirties. My father was a very good hunter, and he hunted every year. I wasn't interested in that at all beginning, then I have started one day with my father through a sponsorship permit. That's how it is that it started.

How this passion did she come to you for hunting ?

My grandfather was a great hunter who went out into the forest every day to hunt. At the time, he lived from tanning and supported the family through hunting so it was a very important practice. Not just a hobby. Then, my father told me passed on this passion later. Unfortunately, he died shortly time later. Hunting then became a way of paying tribute to him. I hunting with his soul has become a tradition every year now.

With what weapon? do you hunt?

I hunt with a gun fire. I don't like hunting with the crossbow because I finds that the animal suffers too much, it is barbaric. If I am not sure of my So, I prefer not to shoot because I respect the animal.

I use a 270 caliber which is always popular for deer. The important thing is to be comfortable with his weapon because it is a very dangerous tool. You must therefore know how to handle it to perfection and not be afraid of it. Personally, I find that having a A good telescope is important, but you don't have to have graduations.

What kind of hunting? do you practice ?

I don't practice the driven hunt. I try to observe the natural corridors of the game thanks to cameras and I position myself in strategic locations. In the woods, I prefer short range shooting, but I also compete on long-distance shooting. Besides that, I regularly go to the United States to participate in long-distance precision shooting competitions ( PRS : Precision Rifle Shooting).6

What game? do you hunt?

I hunt deer from Virginia, I love it That. And in winter I hunt sometimes the wolf.

What game do you dream of hunting?

I really want to hunt moose in the far north, in Alaska. In the Northwest, it's the best place to find big moose. But it's a big budget to get there and be able to hunt for more than a week, so I save money for that. Hunting mountain goats is also something that I am very interested.

How did you do it? to pass the hunting license?

I took the course of weapons handling, which is a two-day course. The first day is more theoretical and allows us to get our license of possession-acquisition. On the second day, we go into nature in order to verify that we are safe with a firearm.

What type of ammunition do you use?

I make my own ammunition myself because, with the sport I do (editor’s note: long-distance shooting), I need a lot of ammo a year. I started with commercial ammo which is very good when smaller quantities are needed.

What equipment do you need? to go hunting ?

When I go hunting, I try as much as possible to travel light. I take my weapon and my ammunition. A Warm and comfortable clothing is essential, but it should not be noise so as not to alert the game. I only take an extra knife. With my car, I park 500 meters from where I hunt, and I put inside everything I have need.

Do you have a hunter as a reference? And why?

I follow a lot of what Jim does Shockey who hunts all around the world and who I find very interesting. He has a hunting camp in the North. His daughter Eva Shockey is a hunter too.

Who usually accompanies you to hunting?

I go hunting with my uncle, we mainly hunt both of us. It's a pleasure and a tradition that we keep. My uncle hunted with my father.

Where do you hunt?

I hunt in Montérégie, near Saint-Alphonse. With my uncle, we prepare our places from one year to the other, we are in surveillance mode so as not to disturb the habits game.

How often do you go there during the season?

I hunt the two weeks of November during hunting season.

Your worst shot as a hunter? And your best shot?

I'm trying to avoid getting worse. shot (laughs). My best shot, I caught it the year my father died. A magnificent deer, it arrives in front of me at perfect distance for me to shoot it. Like my dad had it for me brought. It was only after two hours of hunting. The most beautiful moment of hunt I have had so far.

The worst shots are the game that you don't catch (laughs). I try to have a good time even if I come back without anything. It's a moment to escape, to think of nothing else, I take time to relax.

A BBQ cooking recipe for us share ?

I don't really have any yet recipe, but I got the bug with your BBQ 101 course in May last. I was an amateur and didn't know much about BBQ. I am an adventurer so I tried several things but it never worked as I hoped. Thanks to this course, I finally manage to having fun on my BBQ and making good food. My father used to make pigs on I loved the embers and it was a great way to get together as a family.

What do you usually cook on your BBQ ?

I usually cook chicken, but also pork, or even beef. I started vegetables this year. I try a bit of everything, I explore a lot of things.

How do you plan to rally your passion for BBQ hunting?

I plan to cook the venison on my BBQ. It is a lean meat with a pine taste. I am looking forward to trying my hand at some new recipes with game meat.

I don't know about the accompaniments. not yet. New ideas are welcome (laughs).

Thanks to Bruno Lamarche for this beautiful testimony about his passion for hunting and his emerging passion for BBQ.

Finally, we offer you a BBQ moose recipe. Let's go, get your BBQ on!


10 minutes


4 hours


4 hours 10 minutes


6 servings


- 1 roast of moose, caribou or deer

- Oakridge Venison Style Game Rub Spices BBQ


80g butter

90ml Jim Beam bourbon



Start by rubbing your roast with your favorite spice blend, then place it back in the refrigerator. Montreal spices are excellent for this, they will leave more room for the flavors of the bourbon that will be injected. We can also go with spices Argentina, which will have a more herbal flavor that marries wonderfully with the bourbon. Otherwise, California spices will enhance the natural flavors of the game with their herbal aromas.


In a small skillet, heat over low heat the butter and add the bourbon, stirring slowly, until until completely mixed, then remove from heat. Let cool in the BBQ Quebec injector until the butter is lukewarm, just before that it does not freeze.


Inject your meat with butter bourbon. As the butter enters the meat, it will drop in temperature, which will freeze it in this one.


Preheat the barbecue to between 225°F and 275°F with a zone indirect cooking. Place the roast in this indirect zone and let it cook until the desired internal temperature. Depending on the size of the piece of meat, the barbecue temperature and desired cooking, the duration will be 1 to 12 hours. For rare, aim for 130°F, for medium ... pink 140°F, and well done meat 160°F.


Cut into cubes, shred the roast or cut it into slices, of your choice.


This recipe requires a syringe to inject the meat. We recommend the injector with three tips of different sizes allowing the injection of more or less liquid marinades.

No matter how you serve it, your guests will love it!

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