The injector goes into competition mode

L’injecteur se met en mode compétition - BBQ Québec

When we launched the “Zone Compétition BBQ Québec”, we quickly saw a need for an injector that people competing could appreciate and that would meet their performance needs. In fact, the goal is that the grill master at home is also able to appreciate and take full advantage of this type of injector. In short, competition-oriented, but for everyone. So we decided to develop an injector with automatic filling. What could be better when you are making a large piece of meat than not having to constantly fill your syringe.

Why inject a piece of meat?

I am very pro-injection, but if you are not used to this practice you must be wondering why inject? Well the answer is simple, to add tenderness, moisture and an additional flavor profile to what you are cooking. The next question is: What to inject? There are several options, first of all you can use commercial injection mixes. Whether it is Butcher BBQ, Kosmos Q, Oakridge BBQ or others, there are several good mixes on the market. Another option is the injection of a fat into a cut that tends to become drier like wild meats or a less flavorful cut like filet mignon. An injection of butter flavored with herbs and/or alcohol makes perfect sense. The third option is a homemade mix or a brine, you can let your imagination run wild.

Which injector to choose?

The question arises indeed. We now have 3 injector models in the BBQ Québec product range, namely " The injector ", " the injectorterminator " and the brand new

" The competition injector ”. So many options, but which one to choose?

Good question, that's why with my legendary series of ideas I decided to explain them to you in more detail.

Injector: It is made of plastic and has a single needle. This is our entry level injector. It is a great option to start with and for those who do not want to invest too much before they are sure they will enjoy injecting meat. It is also perfect for the person who only injects from time to time. Retail price: $9.99

Injectorterminator: It's named for a reason. It's a super-tough, 100% stainless steel war machine. It comes with 3 different needle sizes and is the perfect option for the regular injector looking for a product that doesn't need to be used or stored delicately. It's dishwasher safe and indestructible. Retail price $29.99.

The Competition Injector: In my opinion, this is the ultimate injector. Made of hardened steel and super-strong plastic, it is the ally of all those who compete. It is self-filling, which allows for continuous injection. What a pleasure to make a beef brisket or other piece of meat. It comes with two needles and it is possible to grade the injection quantity by pressure. It is also dishwasher safe. It is called the Competition Injector, but is clearly an asset in the kitchen. I have been using it for a while and WOW, I would not go back. Retail price $34.99.

So in summary, three good options depending on your needs. I have had excellent performance from my injector over the years, but I have a big crush on the efficiency of the racing injector. The moral of the story: to each his own injector, but the important thing is to inject.

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