The essential Grill Daddy Pro brush

L’indispensable brosse Grill Daddy Pro - BBQ Québec

The Grill Daddy Pro Brush gives you extra power to clean your grill grates to make them sparkling clean. You can use it on medium-sized gas or charcoal grills.

Here's how it works:

  • For best results, preheat the barbecue to maximum power for 10 minutes to burn off any food residue.
  • Make sure the on/off water valve is in the “off” position.
  • Unscrew the cap and fill the Grill Daddy with water, screw the cap back on and tighten until snug. Do not use soap or degreasers.
  • Turn the valve to “on” and start cleaning your grills. Using the main brush, brush in the direction of the grilling. The water will automatically be released, vaporizing as it comes into contact with the hot grills, and melting away the impurities. Grease, black residue, crusts of burnt food, carbon, nothing is safe from this brush.
  • For stubborn residue, use the scraper brush. Turn the Grill Daddy upside down, and holding the scraper brush perpendicular to the grates, move the brush across the grates, in a left-to-right motion.

Everything will be clean in just a few minutes!

Additionally, water won't extinguish your burning charcoal, as it vaporizes upon contact with your grates, so you can use it as your fire begins to die down, or even while cooking, if needed.

The best part is that dirt won't gum up the brush and the bristles won't get slimy. Specially designed to get your grills looking brand new, the Grill Daddy will reach even the corners that you might think are impossible to reach, without damaging your grills. Above all, you will be assured that your grills will be in their optimal condition and your food will keep its wonderful taste.

So, no more grease and food residue clogging up the grill; no more hard work; no more chemicals; the Grill Daddy is the easiest and fastest way to make your grill shine like new!

NB: Use caution when using a hot grill. The use of oven mitts and an apron is recommended during cleaning or cooking.

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