See your fruits in a new way with the dry marinade Ready for Mexico

Voyez vos fruits d’une nouvelle manière avec la marinade sèche Prêts pour le Mexique - BBQ Québec

The dry marinade Ready for Mexico is a seasoning that is out of the ordinary. Not only in terms of taste, but also in terms of its use.

Actually, to tell you more about it, I have to give you some context. During their trips to America, Alexandre and Valérie made a stop in Mexico. And there, the inspiration for their dry marinade does not necessarily come from a moment, but rather from a taste. When they were on the beaches of the West Coast, they always saw street vendors walking around with fruits and vegetables and a packet of hot sauces, spices and lemon juice.

In Mexico, we know, they put spice in everything. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, snack… “name it”, there’s spice on the plate! But to put spice (or at least something spicy) on fruit… we would never have thought of that in Quebec.

At first, Alexandre and Valérie went "traditional" and only took the "plain" fruits. Not really knowing what to expect, however, they ended up asking one of these famous merchants to serve them their fruits the same way he did, he liked them. And then... they really tripped. The flavor of their fruits was completely different. In my opinion, their brains were in "whaaaat!?" mode. Explosions. 🤯 🤯 Seriously. It ended up that they ate that the whole time they were on the beach. They FREAKED OUT about it.

After devouring quite a few, they had a mission: to introduce this taste to everyone. In Quebec, we are not used to putting anything on our fruits, much less something spicy, so there… they had an opportunity to seize. And… that's when they contacted me.

With them, I had to create a spicy seasoning, but not too spicy, with the flavors of Mexico, specifically for fruits and vegetables. 😳 A seasoning that, obviously, would also grill well on the BBQ. Double 😳. But hey, I like to combine flavors, so my little hamster had a good time. 😜

What does it give?

The end result that Alexandre, Valérie and I came up with is a dry marinade that is different from a traditional rub. Alexandre even told me that 50% of the people he gave it to preferred it grilled and the others, as is. So you can use it however you like! 😉 (You will have a different experience depending on the method you choose!)

And what does it taste like? Well, it's both very refreshing and a little hot. 😜 It's spicy (without being too spicy, it just has a little "kick"), lemony and sweet. In fact, there's a good balance between the lime and the chipotle, because the acidity of the lime softens the heat of the chili a little. Combined with the freshness of the fruit, it's really sick.

The Ultimate Mixes

Although Ready for Mexico Dry Marinade was originally created for fruits (I recommend using it with pineapple, watermelon, honeydew melon, and mangoes) and vegetables (like cucumbers), it also pairs very well with other foods. It's a bit like our Cake Seasoning in that sense.

In fact, it's perfect for adding a little Mexican twist to your meals. On chicken, it tastes great, as well as on beef in a taco or grilled pork. On chips, it even gives something original! And... if you want to make a "mean good rim" on your glass of Margherita, it's perfect for that. Alexandre even told me it was stupid, so don't hesitate to try it yourself. 😎

If you want to get out of your taste comfort zone and try something different, this dry rub is what you need! But, seriously, don't be afraid. Alexandre told me that even if everyone was surprised when they tasted it, this is the dry rub that everyone wanted to have. Once you have tasted it, there will be no going back. You will remain hooked on its flavor. In fact, you will love it so much that you will put it everywhere and tell your children, your friends, your neighbors, your pets (I exaggerate, it's not for animals! 🤪)... everyone "TRY THIS, IT'S CRAZY"! 🤩

Anyway, I can't wait to hear your reactions! 😎 Forget the plane ticket to Mexico, come see us in store to pick up your jar of festive spices now, or order it directly on our website! 🤘

Happy BBQ!

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