From Alaska to Your Mouth, What You Need to Know About Dry Marinade Ready for Alaska

De l’Alaska à votre bouche, ce qu’il faut savoir sur la marinade sèche Prêts pour l’Alaska - BBQ Québec

The Prêts pour l'Alaska dry rub is the bomb. In fact, when Alexandre and Valérie, the couple behind Prêts pour la route, told me about their trip to Alaska, the salmon paradise, and the flavors they discovered there, they really got me going. Seriously, they made me want to go and fish my own salmon there! 🎣🤘

For the story, they actually went to a lake in Alaska, in the middle of nowhere, on a float plane and started fishing. There were bears around them doing the same thing. It was an incredible moment.

And there, when I say that Alaska is salmon heaven, it's true. Alexandre and Valérie told me so. There, there's salmon everywhere, the lakes are full of them. The bears just have to stick their heads in the water, and POOF! They come out with a fish! 😱 It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet for them.

Even at the grocery store, there are big bags of salmon seasoning. Not little jars, no-no, BIG BAGS. Salmon is like a traditional Alaskan meal. They eat it all the time, or… at least, often.

Anyway, after having a good catch, Alexandre and Valérie then seasoned their fish with what they had in their boat. They took a bite of their salmon and… it tasted REALLY good. It was the best salmon of their lives!

So when they told me that, I have to say the bar was set high. I had to create a dry rub that, when combined with salmon, would replicate the taste of the best salmon of their lives. 🤯

So I chatted with people in Alaska to get a better idea of ​​what the seasonings taste like in their region. After that, my brain went into "creation" mode. 🪄 I concocted several combinations before Alexandre and Valérie told me that I had produced exactly what they were looking for. It was really quite a "challenge".

The taste of Alaska

When you take a "little shot" of this dry rub, the first thing you'll notice is that like Alaska, it's fresh.

Honestly, it’s delicious. You’ll taste fresh herbs (a hint of parsley will linger on the tip of your tongue), lots of garlic, and a hint of lemon and pepper. (The pepper is some of the best on the market, by the way; it’s phenomenal quality.) You’ll also taste big chunks of salt, which will add texture in your mouth, which will add to the experience. In fact, Ready for Alaska reminds me a bit of our Argentina dry rub , but with even more garlic and a hint of lemon.

The good thing is that it doesn't distort the taste of the salmon. It's really a crunchy spice blend that tastes like heaven. Seriously, I'm not embarrassed to tell you that it's one of the best dry marinades we've ever had. 👌

The Supreme Weddings

As you might expect if you've read this far, the go-to food to add this wonderful spice blend to is salmon. It was designed specifically for that.

On the other hand, the Ready for Alaska dry rub also works really, really well with other fish, shrimp, vegetables, and chicken. I would even go so far as to say that I am convinced that it is surprisingly tasty on steaks! 🤤

If it can inspire you and prove to you that it is exceptional, Alexandre even told me that of the 3 dry marinades that we created together, it is with this one that he had the most fun cooking. He started adding it to lots of things: vegetables, chicken… and, even with pork, it gives something really original! 🤩

To create the perfect meal, you just have to sprinkle a good amount on your food to give it a crust, then send it all to cook on the BBQ or smoke in the smoker. Then you let the magic happen and you mentally prepare yourself for a unique taste experience.

Here you go! Are you ready? 😜

I can't wait to read your comments and discover your winning recipes to make with the Ready for Alaska dry rub. And... if you go to Alaska, please say hello to the bears for me (from a safe distance, of course!). 👋

Happy BBQ!

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