Kamado barbecues

Les barbecues kamados - BBQ Québec

Kamados are charcoal BBQs made of ceramic of Japanese origin. This process has very deep roots in Japanese culture dating back more than 3000 years. The term Kamado means "cooker" or "oven" in Japanese.

Right now, this is THE best smoker available on the market. Thanks to its airtightness, it is possible to perfectly control the air inlets and smoke your food for several hours, without adding charcoal.

Some models can keep their heat for up to 36 hours thanks to their thick ceramic tank which can retain and diffuse heat for a very long time.

Cold smoking

This little wonder doesn't stop at hot smoking, it also cold smokes, which will allow you to obtain superb smoky flavors in your cheeses, fish, spices, homemade bacon and nuts!

If you are more of a grill and steak person, the Kamado will also meet your needs. The advantage with charcoal is that the more you put in, the hotter it gets. Simple as that. So, if you want to sear your meats or grill your vegetables, you just have to add charcoal and enlarge the oxygen intake to get heat exceeding 2000 degrees in no time!

My little tip, remove your grill and send your steak directly on the fire! Nothing better than a good grilled meat, and smoked to perfection. And if you are, like me, a dessert lover, the Kamado will fill your life with happiness with smoked pecan pies, chocolate chip cookies and smoked brownies.

Finally, whatever you like, or would like to do at home, it will be successful in a Kamado!

You may not know it, but your dream is not to have a Ferrari or live in the Caribbean, it is to have a Kamado at home.

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