The incredible story of BBQ

L’incroyable histoire du BBQ - BBQ Québec

Millions of years ago, Australopithecus ate mainly grasses, plants, insects and small raw animals. It had a large jaw that it used little due to its small brain (or lack of intelligence?)

Then, over the next two million years, it evolved into Homo habilis, which ate more meat, always raw, except for animals cooked by forest fires or lightning. Its brain then began to develop, thanks to the important protein intake that meat gave it.

It took man about a million years to learn to control fire. The technique: looking for lightning and volcanoes, to find the flame and then keep it. Technique used until about 100,000 years ago. It was at this time that man learned to light and extinguish fire. He was therefore able to start traveling, discover new culinary innovations and start mixing different foods.

From then on, man also began to gather around a fire to eat his meals. All gathered together, they began to socialize and develop a certain means of communication, language. The essential words: "medium?", "rare?".

Man, who ate more and more meat, began to establish villages, cultivate fields and raise animals to ensure continuity at all levels. In short, it was the beginning of society.

Many technologies have been invented over the past 100,000 years, such as ovens, microwaves, stoves, vacuum sealers, etc. Despite this, when we want to eat well, we gather around a BBQ or near a fire, ideally with sports and beautiful girls! According to the BBQ Québec team, Evolution stops here!

PS: You will notice that people who eat a lot of BBQ are smarter than others!

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