5 tips before you start an outdoor kitchen project

5 conseils avant de vous lancer dans un projet de cuisine extérieure - BBQ Québec

Building an outdoor kitchen is a huge investment, both in time and money.

However, the whole process can be really enjoyable if you are well prepared for it.

Based on our experience in selling outdoor kitchens, we have decided to present you with 5 tips that will prove useful throughout your journey.

  • Ask yourself: Why an outdoor kitchen?

  • Even if the answer to this question often seems obvious to our clients, we notice that the reasons leading to the realization of this project are not always 100% defined and above all, they are sometimes not always the same between the two spouses.

    By defining your needs, you will ensure that you are fully satisfied with your project and do not have to reinvest a second time. Here are some possible answers that can guide your thinking.

    • Create a gathering place outside your home.
    • Add character to your landscaping.
    • Create a place for entertainment, living and cooking.
    • Make the dining experience more enjoyable than indoors (possibility of healthier cooking thanks to the BBQ, less washing up required in addition to not trapping odors inside)

  • Aeration

  • Read the following carefully. Always looking to optimize the space in their backyard, our customers always have the reflex to position their outdoor kitchen where it will take up the least space. Pay close attention!

    Not providing a designated area for air circulation in front and behind your outdoor kitchen would be a mistake. Not only can this be dangerous, but in some cases it could prevent your charcoal grills from heating up. This is very annoying if you realize this after everything is finished.

    Consider or make sure to position the necessary ventilation inside the outdoor kitchen modules to avoid the risk of fire.

  • Ask yourself: Which barbecue, how much and why?

  • Whether you have chosen to build an outdoor kitchen to entertain or simply to display your barbecues, you must think about how you will use your outdoor kitchen. Even if some of our customers come to shop for their kitchen already having their barbecue at home, 95% of them will include the purchase of new barbecues. Here are the questions you will need to have the answers to when creating your project. However, we would like to mention that the salesperson in store will be able to guide you in these reflections and will help you target your needs.

    • Do you want to build in your current BBQ?
    • Have you targeted a particular brand or model?
    • What cooking space (dimensions) do you need for your BBQ?
    • What fuel does your BBQ use? (Natural gas, propane or charcoal)
    • How many people do you cook for on average?
    • What are your BBQ needs and habits?
    • Are you open to a new fuel?

  • Positioning the BBQ(s)

  • Just like ventilation, the positioning of your barbecue(s) is crucial to the success of your project.

    To this end, note that it is important to add a clearance kit to your BBQ. This will minimize the risk of fire in addition to ensuring that your BBQ and modules have a longer lifespan.

    Next, it is important to plan your modules well as well as the position of the accessories on the modules. For example, if you put the BBQ and the refrigerator next to each other, you will spend more energy keeping one hot and the other cold than if they had been far apart.

    1. Set a budget

    Whether you want to build a dream kitchen for less than $10,000 or you have extraordinary ambitions, defining your budget will guide the seller's recommendations and prevent you from being disappointed by either having an over-budget quote or missing the chance to have unusual accessories.

    If you are a budget-conscious customer, mention this to the salesperson and he will be happy to introduce you to the most durable, yet inexpensive items up to the most extravagant.

    So, you're ready to start your outdoor kitchen project with your eyes, ears and mind wide open.

    Do you have any questions after reading this article? We will be happy to answer them as soon as possible. We have been contributing to the realization of our clients' projects for several years now and it is with our expertise that we will be able to discuss your project with you.

    By email: sebastien@bbqquebec.com

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