Sweet and savory bacon and berry tart

Tarte sucrée-salée au bacon et aux petits fruits - BBQ Québec

If, like me, you are a carnivore, but are also a "sugar bug", well, this recipe is for you! Lactose-free, this dessert recipe is very protein-rich, very naughty and gives a truly decadent result. Seriously, if you are a fan of sweets, this dessert will become your favorite. 😉

Here's how to prepare it:

Ingredients :

  • 12 (approximately) slices of bacon

  • 1 cup strawberries

  • 1 cup raspberries

  • 1 cup blueberries

  • 50 g dark chocolate

  • 200 g lactose-free cream cheese

  • 1 oz cognac (or white wine or cider)

  • Quebec BBQ Cake Seasoning , to taste

  • 1 scoop of coconut milk ice cream

  • Funky Chili BBQ Sauce Quebec , to taste

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 300°F, making sure to create an indirect cooking zone.

  2. Braid 8 slices of bacon together to create a flat surface (this will become the pie crust).

  3. Place the braided bacon slices on the BBQ grill in the indirect cooking zone, sprinkle everything with Gâteau seasoning and let it cook.

  4. Meanwhile, hull the strawberries and cut them in half. Set aside.

  5. Place the remaining 4 slices of bacon in a cast iron skillet and cook in the indirect cooking zone on the BBQ.

  6. Using a cheese grater, grate the chocolate into flakes. Set aside.

  7. Move the bacon slices to the top of the pan (so the fat runs down), then add the strawberry halves.

  8. Pour 1 oz of cognac into the pan and flambé for a few seconds.

  9. Add the blueberries and raspberries to the pan (this will extinguish the flame inside the pan) and let everything cook and soften, making sure to stir the contents of the pan from time to time.

  10. Sprinkle some Cake Seasoning over the braided bacon piece if desired, then flip it over. Add Cake Seasoning to the top of the crust and let it bake.

  11. Pour more cognac (quantity to taste) into the pan and flambé its contents if everything is too thick (optional). When the flame is out, mash the fruit with a spoon to create a sauce (it is possible to keep large pieces of fruit or to reduce them all to a puree, to taste).

  12. Remove the pan from the BBQ, add a few pinches of grated chocolate to the fruit sauce to thicken it, then stir everything together.

  13. Remove the bacon slices from the pan and let them cool.

  14. Bring the pan to the BBQ and put some sauce on the bacon crust. Add cream cheese on top of the sauce and sprinkle with chocolate. Let it cook.

  15. When the bacon slices soaked in fruit sauce have cooled, sprinkle chocolate on top and slice them into small pieces.

  16. Place the ice cream scoop on a plate, then drizzle with Funky Chili Sauce. Sprinkle with fruity, chocolatey bacon bits, then add a little chocolate on top.

  17. Sprinkle more chocolate on top of the pie (the bacon crust with the sauce and cheese) and let it melt.

  18. Remove the pie from the BBQ and add it to the plate with the ice cream.

  19. For an even more saucy result, sprinkle some Cake Seasoning on top of the pie and ice cream (optional).

  20. Serve and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!

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