Cold smoked salmon fillets

Pavés de saumon fumés à froid - BBQ Québec

This recipe takes a long time to make (it takes about 72 hours), but it doesn't require a lot of prep time and work (I'd say about 3 x 5 minutes of work). On the other hand, you know, the longer something takes, the more it's (usually) worth it! So don't be surprised if I tell you that these salmon fillets will be the best you'll ever eat! ;)

If you are not familiar with cold smoking, it is actually simple, the BBQ is not lit, but the meat still manages to soak up delicious flavors and caramelize. You will see, the result is completely crazy!

Here's how to make this awesome meal:

Required tools:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. In a bowl, mix the dry marinades, then sprinkle the mixture over the entire salmon steaks (or fillets).

  2. Place the salmon pieces in the refrigerator and let them sit for 12 to 24 hours. (I personally like to leave them there for 24 hours.)

  3. Once the time has elapsed, remove the seasoning from the pieces by hand or by running them under water.

  4. For an even more intense taste, place the salmon pieces in a zip-top bag, add Bourbon Maple sauce, then let the salmon soak up the sauce and caramelize in the refrigerator for 12 hours (optional).

  5. Place the BBQ in the shade*, insert the smoker, then turn on the accessory. Place the salmon pieces on the grill and let them smoke for 12 hours at a temperature below 80-85 °F. (This is optional, but you can also add bags of ice to the BBQ to keep the temperature low.)

  6. When the salmon pieces are ready, pack them in a zip-top bag or vacuum sealer and let them sit for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator so that the smoke penetrates the salmon pieces and they hold together well**.

  7. Slice the salmon pieces into slices or small cubes (this is perfect for a poke, for example).

  8. Pour Sweet Lemon Sauce over the salmon slices (or cubes) (optional).

  9. Serve and enjoy!

* The BBQ should not be lit by the sun during smoking. That said, to make it easier to succeed, it is preferable to let everything smoke when it is between 0 and 10 °C outside, although not mandatory. It is also possible to make the recipe during the night if that makes things easier.

**If pieces have been frozen, thaw in water or in the refrigerator for 24 hours before slicing.

Happy BBQ!

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