Dream Wagyu Chuck Roast

Rôti de palette Wagyu de rêve - BBQ Québec

Dream Wagyu Chuck Roast

There's nothing better than a good Quebec Wagyu beef chuck roast! When you want to treat yourself, I definitely recommend you try my recipe, it's really hot!

I should point out that this recipe is delicious with any beef chuck roast (i.e. it doesn't have to be Wagyu), but if you're using a "regular" beef chuck roast, I recommend injecting it with even more flavor to enhance its taste. When it comes to Wagyu, I personally prefer not to change its magical taste too much, so I opt for a "mild injection" (more diluted) in my recipe and don't use a lot.

The injection product I use, the Kosmos Q Reserve Brisket Injection Mix is ​​really great because among its components we find, among other things, soy protein, which will help the juice "stay" in the meat, then phosphate, which will "break down" the meat, tenderize it, keep it juicier and enhance its flavor. Kosmos Q products are proven products and are often used in competitions; they are magic.

Also, last little note before giving you my recipe, I am a big fan of maple, especially with beef. So to infuse a nice little sweet smoky taste into your meat, I recommend smoking it with pellets, logs or even charcoal made with maple wood.

Are you ready? Let's start this!

Working tools:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. In a bowl, mix the brisket injection mix with the water, following the dosages (water/mixture) recommended on the mix packaging or by going for "half strength", i.e. using 2 times less mix (powder), but just as much water (it's a nice piece of meat, so we don't want to change its taste too much).

  2. Fill the competition injector with the mixture and inject it into the beef chuck roast every inch. (Imagine that the piece of meat has a grid printed on it, like a checkerboard; you want to inject into squares of the same color.) Set aside.

  3. Preheat the BBQ for indirect cooking at 225°F.

  4. Sprinkle a little Booster on the piece of meat, then cover it with Texas spices.

  5. Place the piece of meat on the BBQ and cook at 225°F for a little over 1 hour per pound (lb) of meat.

  6. Halfway through cooking, when the internal temperature of the roast indicated on the Thermomax is around 160-170 °F and the meat is starting to have a nice crust (a nice bark), wrap the meat in aluminum foil. Place the wrapped meat in the BBQ, away from the heat source so that the underside does not burn and let cook. (This whole step is optional and serves to speed up cooking and to keep the meat nice and juicy.)

  7. Remove from the BBQ when the meat reaches its ideal internal temperature for shredding, which is 205°F. (At this temperature, the meat should start to fall apart on its own when you insert the Thermomax, which is another good indicator.) Let rest for a few minutes, serve and enjoy!

I hope you love this recipe as much as I do! It's as much a pleasure to cook as it is to eat!

By the way, I recommend shredding the meat to give it an even more versatile look (it's really easy to do with the BBQ Québec shredder ) . You can use your shredded beef in tacos, chili, on nachos, pizzas... the possibilities are endless! Plus, you can separate it into 1 lb packages and keep it for a long time: if vacuum-packed, it can be kept for 1 month in the refrigerator or almost 1 year in the freezer, then if put in a plastic bag, it can be kept for 1 week in the refrigerator. A bunch of recipes await you, let's go!

Happy BBQ!


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