Secret Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Recette secrète de choux de Bruxelles - BBQ Québec

Secret Brussels Sprouts Recipe

If you're like me, Brussels sprouts have always been synonymous with boiled, inedible vegetables, and for that reason, I've always avoided them completely. Boiled Brussels sprouts in a dinner? They're fed to the dog under the table...

But with the new year, I gave myself a challenge: to cook Brussels sprouts that will be to die for! You might say, JP, you're completely crazy, well yes! But when you think about it, how can you make any ordinary food delicious? By adding bacon fat, or as I call it, liquid gold. I guarantee that with my secret recipe (it's all in the spices 😉), you won't leave any on your plate. Plus, it's keto approved!



  1. Cook the bacon slowly in a foil pan or on a baking sheet with a drip pan to collect the bacon fat (you will need this later in the recipe).
  2. While the bacon is cooking, cut the ends off the Brussels sprouts, then in half.
  3. Place the flat side of each cabbage in the bottom of an aluminum dish and add the cream until only a small part of the Brussels sprouts are visible.
  4. When enough bacon fat has accumulated, stir it into the Brussels sprouts, slowly stirring the dish so that the bacon flavor disperses properly.
  5. Add Kosmos Q Garlic Parm spices.
  6. Chop the bacon when ready, then add it on top of the Brussels sprouts.
  7. Add a little Booster, and let everything finish cooking for another 5 minutes by closing the burners (putting some aside on the stove).

Be careful, you might rediscover Brussels sprouts!!! Enjoy your meal!


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