Quick BBQ Pulled Pork Recipe

Recette rapide de porc effiloché au BBQ - BBQ Québec

Pulled pork is a very versatile meal, perfect for entertaining or weeknight lunches, and can easily be made in large quantities for delicious leftovers!

Plus, I have several tips to help you make your friends believe that you spent hours preparing your pork shoulder in a smoker, when it actually took half the time, and that it was in your gas BBQ! Easy and quick, it rhymes with back to school, right?

In short, you don't need a full day of smoking and to be a BBQ professional to succeed with this pulled pork recipe!

Servings: 4

Cooking time: 1 hour

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Accessories :

*The Copeaunateur has a triangular shape and is suitable for Napoleon or Weber gas BBQs. It fits between the deflectors, under the grill. The smoke box has a rectangular shape and is suitable for other brands of BBQs that do not have the same type of baffles, and are placed on the grill. For both types, in order to have a good smoke, you must put the dry chips in the container, close the lid, heat over high heat directly to the -top burners until it starts to smoke, then return the burner to a lower heat, to cook your food.

Ingredients :


  1. Prepare the pork shoulders by sprinkling them with the Booster, then the spices. Make sure the meat is well coated all around.

  2. Place the liquid of your choice in the bottom of the Presto BBQ aluminum pan, then place the stainless steel support in the pan, then your pork shoulders.

  3. Prepare your Copeaunateur or smoke box with the wood chips of your choice.

  4. Open your far right burner, and put the Copeaunator on top.

  5. Place the Presto to the left of the BBQ, on indirect heat, and keep the BBQ around 250-275-300°F.

  6. Insert the iGrill 2 probes into the pork shoulders, and leave the Presto open for about 1 hour to let the smoke penetrate the meat and give a delicious taste.

  7. Add the lid to the Presto, then cook the pork until an internal temperature of about 205-207°F. You can also check with an instant thermometer towards the end, to make sure the temperature is good all over the shoulder.

  8. Leave to rest for 1 hour, then shred everything using the shredder.

  9. Add the sauce, mix well, and enjoy!


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