Meatzza "meat lover"

Meatzza « meat lover » - BBQ Québec

Today I present you a recipe for meatzza "meat lover", in other words, a pizza made with 90% meat (yes, even the dough is meat!). If you prefer, however, you can also make it with a "normal" pizza dough, the result will be delicious in any case.

Otherwise, an important thing to know when you cook is that your meals should contain 4 to 5 flavors. They should have a combination of sweet, salty, fatty, bitter and umami tastes. So this pizza is perfect because it balances several of these tastes well and when it's well balanced, you know it's delicious. 😉

So here's how to make this fiery pizza:

Required tools:

Ingredients :

For the dough:

For the filling:

Preparation :

  1. Place the All-in-1 on the BBQ, the pizza stone on the grill and preheat the BBQ to around 400°F.

  2. Place all the “dough” ingredients in a blender and blend until the meat has a nice, pliable consistency.

  3. Using the basting brush, spread goose fat on the pizza stone (this will make it easier to move the pizza dough and "fry" it) and on the pizza spatula.

  4. When the goose fat begins to simmer, place the dough mixture on the pizza stone and flatten it to form the base of the pizza (be careful, the BBQ and the edge of the All-in-1 are hot!). Put the lid on the BBQ and let the dough cook with the door of the All-in-1 open.

  5. While the dough bakes, thinly slice the sun-dried tomatoes and sprinkle one side of the T-bone with Texas dry rub as well as the edges.

  6. Sear the T-bone on the grill (next to the pizza stone) in the direct cooking zone, seasoned side down. A few seconds later, or when a little juice or blood appears on the top of the T-bone, sprinkle the Texas dry rub on its top side (the wait ensures that the salt does not start cooking the meat instantly). Sear the T-bone on the other side when it is ready, then place it in the indirect cooking zone and let it cook evenly on both sides.

  7. When the pizza dough is cooked through, remove it from the BBQ using the pizza spatula. Set aside.

  8. Spread the sun-dried tomato slices on the pizza stone and sprinkle them with California dry rub. Add a little goose fat to help them cook (and taste!) and mix everything together when the fat has melted.

  9. Slice the olives into thin rounds. Set aside.

  10. On the spatula, turn the pizza dough over and cover with slices of sun-dried tomatoes. Add the grated cheese and olive slices on top of the tomatoes and place the pizza on the stone. Add some pellets or pieces of wood to the back of the BBQ to create a lively flame and so that the cheese can melt more easily.

  11. When ready, remove the T-bone from the BBQ and cut its 2 parts (the filet mignon and the sirloin, each part being on a different side of the "T") and slice them.

  12. Remove the pizza from the BBQ when all the ingredients are cooked enough, cover it with slices of filet mignon and sirloin and pour Colonel Mustard sauce on top.

  13. Serve and enjoy every bite!

* To dehydrate the mushrooms, I recommend cutting them into slices, then cooking them on the BBQ Québec Himalayan pink salt board (at a temperature of around 400°F) until they almost become dust (as if they were flour).

Happy BBQ!

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