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The "Montreal Grill"

L'Exquis Sandwich Montréalais au Steak Haché, Fromage Bleu et Bacon , Rehaussé de Ketchot

The Exquisite Montreal Sandwich with Ground Steak, Blue Cheese and Bacon , Enhanced with Ketchot


Hey BBQ lovers! It's JP Lavoie here, with a recipe that will tickle your taste buds and make your next barbecue an unforgettable moment. Today, I present to you a creation that combines audacity and tradition: the "Grillé Montréalais". It's a sandwich that speaks to the soul, with its robust flavors and a cooking technique that pays homage to the art of the grill. Get ready, we're going to make the flames speak!

PS: You can make the same recipe using your favorite thinly sliced ​​steak to replace the ground steak!


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