Potato on the BBQ

La patate sur le BBQ - BBQ Québec

The potato is without a doubt the most cooked root vegetable in the world. Fried, mashed, cubed, there are several techniques available to us to do justice to this vegetable at a modest price and which always makes a very good hearty accompaniment.

The easiest way to make a good potato on the BBQ at BBQ Québec is obviously by using the BBQ Québec vegetable holder . Simply plant the potato previously oiled and seasoned with the California dry marinade from BBQ Québec and let it cook without wrapping it on a heat distribution spike. The result is a tender and soft potato on the inside with a crispy skin on the outside.

One way I love to prepare potatoes is to make them into rösti. In fact, my recipe is a two-color rösti made with yellow potatoes and sweet potatoes. To prepare it, we need 4 large yellow potatoes and 4 large sweet potatoes. We start by grating them, then we must rinse the potatoes well to remove as much starch as possible. Also, it is advisable to run lemon juice over the potatoes to prevent them from blackening.

Then, in a large stainless steel bowl, add the potatoes, 3 tablespoons of avocado oil, the California spice, 2 eggs, grated strong cheddar cheese to taste and a fresh herb of your choice (rosemary, thyme, basil) or several if you are naughty.

Mix well to make several individual portions in the form of patties and then place them on the Napoleon cast iron hob on the grill. It is possible to put them directly on the BBQ grills by brushing them with oil beforehand.

Another way is to put all the contents in the buttered "Camp Chef" cast iron pan in the center of the BBQ on direct heat until the added oil is hot enough to sear/fry. Sear for 5 minutes and then reduce the temperature of the BBQ to about 400 degrees. Continue cooking for 12 minutes or more depending on the thickness of the contents. Add a little oil on top of the large rösti that is not seared and then flip it with a spatula and repeat the procedure. A simple trick is to flip the contents onto a plate before putting it back to cook. Approximate cooking time: 35 minutes.

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Linda Deschenes,

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