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Making your cold smoked salmon

Faire son saumon fumé à froid - BBQ Québec

Lately, I've really noticed a craze around cold smoking and it's really cool because it means that, like us, you understand that barbecue is something you can do all year round.

However, you have to be careful because behind the appearance of great simplicity there are several pitfalls to avoid concerning cold smoking, especially when we are talking about smoking fish or meat.

First of all, I want to point out the big difference between cold smoking and hot smoking. For some, the difference is clear, but for new enthusiasts, it is worth reminding.

It's simple, basically the big difference is that in one case, the fish/meat is cooked (hot smoking) and in the other (cold smoking), it is not. So you have to be very careful if you want to cold smoke that the temperature is indicated in order to avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

Cold smoked salmon is like gravlax, but also smoked.

Now that we have stated the differences between cold smoking and hot smoking, here is how I make my cold smoked salmon. There are many recipes and many ways to do it, but I assure you that my version is very successful!

Cold smoked salmon

Serving size: For a large salmon fillet with skin

Preparation time: 12 hours

Cold smoking time: Between 3 to 12 hours

1- Personally, I recommend that you keep the skin on so that your fish does not absorb too much salt and therefore becomes too salty.
2- Make sure the outside temperature is between 0 and 10 degrees so also inside your BBQ. Use a thermometer inside your BBQ to make sure you always maintain this temperature.
3- Brine your salmon (the salt will prevent the proliferation of bacteria) with 50% kosher salt 50% of our homemade spice blend:
  • 1/3 dry Caribbean BBQ Quebec marinade
  • 1/3 of the Quebec BBQ cake seasoning
  • 1/3 of Montreal BBQ Quebec dry marinade
4- Make enough mixture to cover the entire paving stone.
** Ideally use Kosher salt since the compact flakes adhere perfectly to the food to enhance its flavor.
5- Place the salmon flat in your refrigerator for 12 hours
(you can cover it to prevent the smell of fish from spreading in your refrigerator).
6- After 12 hours, rinse for a good minute in cold water to remove spices and salt from the surface.
7- Dry the fish
8- Place the block flat in the smoker with a cold smoke generator ( Smoker )
9- For a mild smoky taste, smoke for 3 hours, medium taste 6 hours and intense taste 12 hours.
10- Let stand for at least 1 hour
11- Make sure you have a very sharp knife to slice your delicious smoked salmon.
12- Is it done?
13- Send us photos of your creations and don't hesitate to write to us if you have different and delicious recipes, we love learning from you!

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