3 recipes to pay tribute to the bison

3 recettes pour rendre hommage au bison - BBQ Québec

3 recipes to pay tribute to the bison

In this hunting season, I decided to show you recipes to make with the meat of a mythical animal, the meat of one of my favorite animals… the bison! 🦬

Seriously, bison is an in-credible animal! Although they are not hunted as much as they used to be, this animal is full of protein and tastes really good. Even though it is a big beast, its meat is very lean. So it is a meat that is really interesting if you are training or looking to try something more wild.

If you don't have access to bison, the recipes I'm going to show you today can also be made with beef, deer, elk or moose. You'll see, the results will be absolutely delicious.

As for the ideal time to make these recipes, make them whenever you want. They are ideal when you are in “party” mode (because, let’s face it, kids, parents and grandparents love ground meat!), when you are looking to serve a dish with a beautiful presentation, or, quite simply, when you want to pay homage to bison 😉.

Without further ado, here are 3 awesome recipes you can make with bison:

Bison marrow bones

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 350°F.

  2. Sprinkle Appalachian Dry Marinade and a little Yukon Dry Marinade over the marrow of each half bone.

  3. Place the half bones on the top grill of the BBQ, in the indirect cooking zone, marrow side up and let them cook for about 1 hour, or until a nice crust forms on their tops. (I recommend checking the cooking every 20 minutes.)

  4. Remove the half bones from the BBQ, serve them on a nice big wooden board and enjoy their marrow with a spoon!

Bison osso buco

Required tools:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 350°F.

  2. Add ghee (or butter) to the cast iron pan and let it melt on the BBQ in the direct cooking zone.

  3. Using a knife, slice the French shallots very, very thinly.

  4. When the ghee (or butter) is melted, add the pieces of French shallots to the pan and let them heat without browning.

  5. Meanwhile, sprinkle Yukon dry rub on both sides of the osso buco and add to the pan when the ghee (or butter) has melted.

  6. Transfer the pan to an indirect cooking zone and let the meat cook.

  7. After 5-10 minutes, turn the meat over and let it cook slowly until the Thermomax indicates that it has an internal temperature of 140°F.

  8. Remove the meat from the BBQ, serve it in a massive cast iron pan in the center of the table and accompany it with mashed potatoes and enjoy!

Bison keftas

Required tools:

Ingredients (for about 5 keftas):

Preparation :

  1. Preheat BBQ to 350°F.

  2. Add ghee (or butter) to the cast iron pan and let it melt on the BBQ in the direct cooking zone.

  3. Using a knife, slice the French shallots very, very thinly.

  4. When the ghee (or butter) is melted, add the pieces of French shallots to the pan and let them heat without browning.

  5. Meanwhile, roughly chop the green olives.

  6. Place the meat in a bowl and sprinkle with a little Appalachian dry rub and Yukon dry rub. Add the green olives and shallots and mix by hand until smooth.

  7. Form keftas around the stainless steel skewers and grill each kefta on the BBQ. Turn them from time to time so that all sides are grilled equally.

  8. Meanwhile, toss labneh with Tex-Max dry rub in a small bowl. (Season to desired heat intensity.)

  9. When they register an internal temperature of 165°F on the Thermomax or until their centers are brown and their juices run clear, remove the keftas from the BBQ and serve.

  10. Dip the meat in the labneh mixture before each bite and enjoy!

Good BBQ and, above all, good bison!

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