One of the best BBQ, Blaze Grills

Un des meilleurs BBQ, le Blaze Grills - BBQ Québec

Blaze barbecues are designed for grilling enthusiasts who want to avoid changing their appliance every five years. They are made entirely of 304 and 443 stainless steel, both rated the highest grades on the market. They are composed of burners made of cast iron stainless steel, which are by far the most durable and efficient on the market. They can reach temperatures of 1000°F without ever breaking or cracking. That's why Blaze Grills is pleased to offer the best warranty available, i.e. a lifetime warranty on almost all of its components.

Between each burner are separators, allowing you to create specifically isolated heat zones. The barbecue can therefore be very hot on one side, for direct cooking, and lukewarm on the other, for indirect cooking. Another big advantage is the baffles, since they are very thick and perforated stainless steel plates, designed to distribute the heat well in the barbecue and to offer a very uniform vaporization, while reducing the possibility of flashbacks during cooking. The grids are also made of stainless steel; they will never rust or break.

The lid is made of a double wall, which prevents any change in the color of the stainless steel on the outside of the appliance. In addition, it will hardly become hot, since it is very thick.

It is also possible to swap out each burner for a ceramic infrared burner, for searing meat. These burners can reach temperatures of over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this in less than a minute.

The grills are available with or without a cart, to make it easier for buyers who would like to build it in. Several accessories, such as doors, drawers, a side burner, a refrigerator, and more, are made by the Blaze company.

“A professional quality BBQ that we have been waiting for years in the BBQ world.” – Max Lavoie, BBQ Guru

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