Everything is more festive around a BBQ

Tout est plus festif autour d’un BBQ - BBQ Québec

When I look at websites, social networks, magazine articles these days I notice that BBQ is taking an increasingly large place in our lives. We absolutely want to extend summer and enjoy it to the fullest and let's face it: summer and BBQ are a more than perfect match.

All the publications that are made on the BBQ have only one common goal: to make you become the master of your BBQ. Appetizing photos, detailed techniques and endless burger suggestions. There is no longer any reason, when you read all these articles, not to serve a salmon tataki for a Monday night dinner or a filet mignon injected with cognac on Tuesday. Cooking on the BBQ allows us to go from simple cook to chef with a few simple but very effective techniques.

First of all, you have to master the fire and the temperature. More than ever, the term indirect cooking is part of our daily lives. It's all about control. Often, it's not enough to just light your BBQ to get the most out of it, you have to master it. This is where we have to tame our BBQ, adjust to it. And here I assure you, investing in the BBQ is not a guarantee of success. You can make an excellent steak on a BBQ that costs a few dozen dollars.

Next comes familiarization with cooking temperatures. To master this art, purchasing a thermometer will ensure that your steak is medium rare or your chicken breast is cooked through. No need to cut into your meat to check for doneness. Just stick the thermometer in and read the temperature in seconds.

Since I started working for BBQ Québec, I have tried to share my passion with the people I welcome at home. I try to surprise them with simple but tasty recipes. Because of my job and because I am the one who cooks even on the BBQ, all the spotlights are on me when I say: come home, I'm going to BBQ.

Recently we had a little party to celebrate some good news my daughter had and she invited a bunch of her friends over to celebrate and asked me to do a BBQ. I put together a menu, thinking about vegetarians, gluten intolerance, seafood allergies. How I could create a menu that would please everyone and impress them. I wanted to celebrate the day with a feast.

When I told my daughter about my menu, she said: Mom, all I want is for my friends and I to have a great evening, and even if we only have hot dogs, when we eat BBQ, it's an event in itself.

So, don't let all the recipes you'll see everywhere discourage you. Learn to master your BBQ, make sure you serve food that is cooked to perfection and for the rest...let the magic of the BBQ do its thing. Whether you're alone, as a couple or entertaining 30 people, everything is more festive around a BBQ, even hot dogs.

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