Preparing your outdoor kitchen project

Préparer son projet de cuisine extérieure - BBQ Québec

You've been thinking about it for a few months now and are finally ready to take the planning step for your outdoor kitchen? Here are the steps to prepare for the project as well as expert recommendations for each of them.


Proper planning of your needs and the exact location of your outdoor kitchen will help you greatly throughout the process. In order to prepare for your quote request, here are the elements you will need to have on hand:

  • Drawing / Sketch of the location of your outdoor kitchen
  • Precise dimensions of the space used and the outdoor kitchen
  • Exact location of water outlets
  • Printed photo of the current space (without the outdoor kitchen)
  • Minimum and maximum budget
  • List of features and types of barbecue you want to integrate into it

Pro recommendation:

In order to save even more time and create the most aesthetic space possible, we recommend that you also bring a photo of the front of your property, the back of it as well as the yard in its entirety. This will greatly help the designer to guide you in the choice of covering for your outdoor kitchen.


This step will take place in two parts.

First of all, you will need to get inspired, look at what is being done both in terms of functionality and design. We suggest you go to sites like Houzz or Pinterest to get inspired and clarify your needs.

Once you have your idea, we recommend that you head to outdoor kitchen construction discussion groups in order to gather a lot of useful information as well as names of companies or suppliers with whom you could work.

Pro recommendation:

This step should be the one where we dream, where we put all our desires and needs. By discussing with a professional, you will make the necessary decisions to match your budget, but the important thing here is not to have any regrets and to have a clear picture of the possibilities.

Presentation of the project to an expert

Whether you have decided to create a custom kitchen or one with prefabricated units and cabinets, we suggest you meet with experts who will advise you adequately in your project.

Plan creation / Project management / Supplies of all kinds

Specialized advisors in outdoor cooking: BBQ Québec

Given that you are well prepared, that you have a clear idea of ​​what you want and that you have in hand the information required for the proper development of the project, this meeting will be very effective. The course of this meeting will be in line with your preparation.

Here are the main steps of your meeting with the in-store expert:

  1. Make an appointment
  2. Provide the expert with the required documents (see “planning” above)
  3. Choosing your barbecue(s)
  4. Sit down and discuss with the expert your needs (features)
  5. View photos of similar projects presented by the expert
  6. Choosing the specific elements of your outdoor kitchen

**At this stage, if you have a plan in hand, the expert will be able to provide you with a complete quote. If for some reason you need the team to create the plan, we will take all the information and create the plan for you. The creation of the plan includes the back and forth between the client and the expert so that the client has the option to change the plans as often as they wish. This process is common.

There you have it, you have all the information you need to start your project.

Ready to take the step of realizing your outdoor kitchen project? Here is the complete guide that will prepare you for this big and beautiful project!

In the meantime, do not hesitate to make an appointment with an expert in store .

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