Dare to use BBQ Québec wood chips

Osez les copeaux de bois BBQ Québec - BBQ Québec

There is nothing better than the taste of perfectly smoked meat. To achieve perfection, it is important to use the right ingredients. Wood chips must meet rigorous standards in order to be of optimum quality to protect the health of every consumer.

Although smoked foods are nothing new, they have gained popularity in recent years. Suddenly, the market has been flooded with new products, seemingly being the central tool for smoking meat to perfection.

However, at BBQ Quebec, we know the truth: you don’t need expensive gadgets, fancy gadgets or a specialized grill to enjoy the wonderful flavor of smoked meat. All you need is your barbecue and our wood chips . Oak chips are one of the most popular varieties when it comes to grilling and smoking because the deep taste they give to food is simply wonderful.

The smoky flavor is achieved by exposing the food to the smoke produced by slowly burning wood chips, such as oak. In order to allow the smoke to penetrate the meat, without overcooking it, it is cooked for several hours at a slightly lower temperature than normal. Without being too high, the heat from the grill is hot enough to kill bacteria so that the food can absorb the smoke.

BBQ Québec wood chips were specifically created to give meat a smoky taste. This product, like many others from the BBQ Québec brand, has won awards for its excellence. Oak chips are a popular choice for their long life and delicious flavors. They are also excellent when combined with other types of wood.

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