BLUES HOG dry marinades!

Les marinades sèches BLUES HOG! - BBQ Québec

Blues Hog is the famous Tennessee company that produces sauces that are simply amazing. All grill enthusiasts have certainly tasted one of these sauces! It's not complicated, there was a time when, on the competition circuit, everything that was won was cooked with Blues Hog. Now, the number of good sauce manufacturers has quintupled and many people make their own sauce, but it is not uncommon for several people on the KCBS circuit to still use Blues Hog products. I understand them, it's not just their reputation that is excellent, everything that we find in the jars is too!

Did you know, however, that this legendary company also makes dry rubs? WHAT!?? Blues Hog, the company whose sauces I love also makes rubs?! Yes! And you have exactly the same reaction that I had when, when I was younger, I learned that Dave Grohl (the singer of the Foo Fighters) had previously been the drummer for Nirvana! What!? Another music group to discover?! Yes, other spices to discover and I guarantee you, just like me, you will not be disappointed!!!

To start, there are three "rubs" in the Blues Hog family. There is one for all beef, then one for white meat (pork and chicken), and another that is all-purpose. I won't hide it from you, the popularity of their sauces overshadows their dry rubs a bit and... it's a shame, because it's a bit like Maurice Richard overshadowing his younger brother Henri, you see! Henri is much, much less known than his elder brother, but he is the player who has won the most Stanley Cups! Anyway, I'll stop my comparisons, but I sincerely hope that these few lines will pique your interest and make you discover 3 excellent products. I love using them quite regularly and they certainly deserve their place in your cupboard, just as Henri deserves his place in the Hall of Fame. ;)

Bold & Beefy

This spice is designed as the name suggests, mainly for anything beef: mainly for brisket, steak and burgers! It has salt, garlic and onion powder among the main ingredients, so how can you not love it on red meat? Personally, it is a must in my burger recipe and I love to mix my ground steak with this spice and not just use it to cover my patty.

Otherwise, Bold & Beefy, I use it a lot as a first layer when I'm cooking a piece of beef for a long time (like a brisket, short ribs or even roast beef), because it really enhances the flavor of the beef. (In fact, I cover my piece of meat with this spice first, then add a second layer of a different spice on top.)

Sweet & Savory

The Sweet & Savory is really great. Personally, it's my favorite in the Blues Hog range. On ribs, pork tenderloin or chicken wings, it's really a "must". At first, it has a little sweetness in the mouth that is really interesting, then there is a slight "kick" that takes over at the end. It's very subtle, but really good. The whole family will love this dry rub. It's a safe bet, I guarantee it!

Dry Rub Seasoning

An all-purpose rub, with a crazy color! The paprika in this mix will give a reddish color to anything you cook with it!

When it comes to pulled pork, this is a no-brainer. I also love adding this Sweet and Savory dry rub when it comes to giving it a little extra “spice.”

Want to get chicken thighs that taste and look as good as the ones you see in the competition? Go with Dry Rub Seasoning and a little touch of Original Blues Hog Sauce and you'll be able to wow the crowd! Pork loin, pork chop, chicken breast, whole chicken... Go ahead and give it a try!

On that note, happy BBQing friends and come see me in store to give me your feedback on your recipes made with a Blues Hog dry marinade! ;)


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