Halloween Meal Ideas

Des idées de repas pour l’Halloween - BBQ Québec

Everyone knows that this week is when kids are celebrating Halloween. And, even though, yes, the evening will be busy, that's not going to stop BBQ fans from cooking on their favorite BBQ.

So, to make sure this evening ends as beautifully for your little monsters as it does for you, here are some ideas for quick meals to make when you get back from the candy tour:

1 — Mini nachos

Making nachos is a great way to use up what’s in the fridge; the famous “touski” (for “all that’s left”). All you have to do is add ingredients that you and your kids like to your corn chips and cover it all with cheese before sending your creation to the BBQ to brown the cheese. You’ll see, nachos are always a hit (especially if you also serve your meal with “bloody salsa” 😉)!

2 — “Grilled cheese”

As the great classics that they are, "grilled cheese" is always a hit with the youngest. You just have to melt cheese between two slices of buttered bread and for them, you will have just created one of the best recipes in the universe. On a plate, on the grill, or on a baking sheet, all ways will be appreciated as long as the cheese is dripping. 😉

Of course, you can spice up your grilled cheese by adding other ingredients. I suggest adding a little protein, just to get your strength back after running around the neighborhood looking for candy. For example, you can add bacon slices, pieces of ham, different kinds of cheese, tomato slices, spinach leaves, macaroni and cheese, onion pieces, apple slices… nothing stops you from using what you have in your refrigerator.

To make it even more exquisite, you can even grill your vegetables beforehand on the BBQ Québec Vegetable Rack , but that's really if you have time. If not, believe me, your meal will still be excellent. 😉

Otherwise, on Halloween night, you can let loose; the raw vegetables as an accompaniment can very well exceptionally be replaced by Glosettes or small chocolate bars. 😜

3 — Homemade pizzas

Take a tortilla, spread some tomato sauce on it and top your pizza with foods that you and your kids love. Use your leftover meat, sliced ​​vegetables, and grill the cheese on top of your pizza on the BBQ and… voilà! It’s that easy to please your kids. 👌 (Extra points if you also arrange your ingredients to create a monster or witch face! 🤩)

The important thing on Halloween night is to cook something quick and simple that will fill everyone's stomach. Desserts (candy) on the plate are also perfectly appropriate for this festive evening, so don't hesitate to put some. 🍬

Otherwise, here are some tips if your children are difficult:

  1. Make sure to put a "good big layer" of grated cheese on your meal; the taste will be even better;
  2. Make sure the vegetables are not too visible (cover them with cheese, for example 😉); so that your children don't deprive themselves;
  3. Stay on the Halloween theme and give your creations thematic names or use elements of the holiday in your presentation.

Happy Halloween and happy BBQ!

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