Grill Daddy

Grill Daddy - BBQ Québec

You probably saw it on TV a few years ago and thought, "Another ' As Seen on TV ' gimmick, but it looks like it works!"

I thought exactly like you. During a trip to the United States, I found the Grill Daddy in a well-known hardware chain. So I seized the opportunity to try this product that seemed so miraculous on television. Equipped with my Grill Daddy Pro and a pack of D-size batteries ( I had deduced that it took the largest batteries available on the market given the size of the handle of the Grill Daddy Pro) I hit the road again with my brother, the brush in my suitcases. When I opened the cap, I quickly understood that the batteries were useless for this product and that it was impossible to slip them inside. 1st failure!

Always read the instruction manual carefully!

So like any good guy, I turned to the instruction manual and looked very carefully at the few pictures. I deduced that just water and gravity would do the job with the brush. So we had 4 days of driving before we got home and could finally try it out.

The first thing I had to do when I got home was to try this famous BBQ brush that is so incredible. Hot water in the handle and not very clean BBQ grills, I felt ready to clean and refurbish my BBQ grills! 2nd failure!

Yes it was better than a regular brush because of the hot water, but the guy on TV seemed much more convinced than me when he was using this brush. There must be a problem. I consult the instruction manual for a second time, but with a real reading this time. 12 words later, I had finally understood that it is the steam that will make my BBQ grills look like new again. This steam will be created by the contact of the water (hot, warm or cold) and the HOT grills! So I had to light my BBQ. 10 minutes later with my BBQ nice and hot and my brush filled with water, the real test can finally take place.

After 2 trips of the brush on my grills, I was now and finally convinced! My grills (formerly black and covered in carbon from the steaks I had cooked 1 week, 1 month, 1 year ago…) were back to their original state. It was the start of the great Grill Daddy adventure! I absolutely had to get my hands on these brushes for all my customers who needed to keep their BBQ clean and healthy.

Find the supplier

The only problem is when you call " As Seen on TV " to get the contact details of a supplier, they are not really interested in sharing them with you.

So I had to find out for myself the secret place where the best BBQ brush was made.

Six months later, at a hardware store show I was visiting with my brother, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and finally met the folks at Grill Daddy. With an initial order of 120 Grill Daddy Pro brushes, 6 Grand Grill Daddy Platinum brushes, and a dozen regular brushes, I was pumped. I was going to change the world and save people…no more gunk on BBQ grills and no more brush bristles coming loose.

A week after they arrived in store, no more brushes were available! It was panic, everyone wanted Grill Daddy brushes, word of mouth did most of the work for us. The brother-in-law of a customer and the mother of another had seen the result and everyone rushed to come and get the rare pearl.

A Grill Daddy for everyone

8 years later, tens of thousands of Quebecers have adopted the Grill Daddy . Whether it’s the regular Grill Daddy, the Grill Daddy Pro or the Grand Grill Daddy Platinum, there’s a Grill Daddy for everyone.

The performance of steam to dissolve the residue built up on the grills and the stiffest bristles in the industry will bring your grills back to new every time you use them in seconds. Plus, with the brilliant way the bristles are inserted it makes it almost impossible to detach the bristles. Unless you pull on the bristles with a pair of pliers or leave the brush on the BBQ and it melts, the bristles will never come off. Since the bristles are always brushing residue that has already been softened by the steam, they are almost unrestricted, allowing you to use the same brush for several seasons without any problems. Plus, the blocks where the bristles are inserted are interchangeable, making the brush even more durable and economical.

With Grill Daddy, satisfaction is guaranteed! No more dirt, no more steel bristles on your burgers and no more brushes to change after 2 weeks.

So if you want a safe, effective, ecological and economical brush, the Grill Daddy will meet your needs!

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