Log Smoker vs Pellet Smoker

Fumoir à bûches vs fumoir aux granules - BBQ Québec

My first smoker was a Sunterra Tacoma. It was also my first Father's Day gift. I really jumped when I saw that my 10 month old daughter had the budget to buy me this. Between you and me, I think it was my girlfriend who bought it for me, not my daughter, I just haven't been able to get her to admit it yet.

Since that day, I have been living a story of passion with my Tacoma. I learned to master the beast and I love it, my family loves it, my friends love it and all the lucky ones who have tasted what I do on it love it.

Naturally, when a customer comes to the Boucherville store to see the Sunterra smokers, I am often asked to talk about my experiences with the Sunterra. Some fall in love and then take the plunge and buy a stick burner. However, many change their minds and opt for a pellet smoker.

Oh my god Tony! You're the worst salesman!

Since I do a lot of events with BBQ Québec, I also have the chance to work very often with pellet smokers. Although both BBQs give roughly the same result, the experience at the controls of these BBQs is completely different.

As these two types of BBQs gain popularity, I figured: why talk to a few customers about the difference between the two smokers, when I can talk to everyone.

The log smoker is for M LES!!!

Smokers "Off-Set", "Stick Burner", "Reverse Flow", "Regular Flow", "My Brother in Law has a Welding Shop Flow". The log smoker has many names. Generally, they are rather imposing beasts made of steel or thick and heavy metal. Companies design them with very masculine looks. They are big, they are robust, they are not made for small apartment balconies (try to read the last sentence in the voice of Dan Bigras, you will see it is disgusting). Just to have a log smoker, you need space, a very solid terrace or a place in the yard that can support its weight. You also need a space to store wood. Because a log smoker can very well run only on coal, but you will burn more coal than a locomotive at full speed in 1890.

Then comes the learning phase. You have your smoker, then you have to master it. How long to preheat it before using it. When should I add more wood? What size log to use so as not to raise the temperature too much or to not lose too much. Play with the air inlet, the air outlet. Even if it seems laborious, learning is part of the charm.

After learning, you will start wanting to share the fruits of your hard work. Your friends will see it in your yard, they will stand in a semi-circle around the smoker, beer in hand, take the time to smell the fire and the meat, give two or three little kicks on the wheel while saying: "Yeah, that's solid!" Then, they will go back to sit on the terrace and wait to eat while you have to stay close to the BBQ to adjust the fire, chop wood, you will probably even have your hands a little dirty doing that. Your guests will look at you from afar and say to themselves, he is a man in cr*#$@.

Personally, I don't think there is a greater satisfaction in grilling than successfully cooking a piece of meat on a log smoker. Honestly, there are three great moments in my life: the birth of my daughter, the birth of my son, and my first successful Wagyu brisket.

But with an "Off-set" there are also less practical sides. I dare not say a defect, because the cooking process impacts the experience that one lives and the experience that one seeks.

First, finding dry hardwood that isn't cut with birch or other firewood isn't easy. Not to mention that the pieces of wood will probably be cut too big for your smoker and you'll have to get an axe and learn how to chop wood. It sounds like fun, but it's not always fun. Plus, you'll probably have to dry your wood in a thousand and one creative ways.

Who says smokehouse, says slow cooking at low temperature. When a log has finished burning, you have to put another one. To keep the temperature low, you should not put too much wood at once. In general, expect to have to add wood every 30 to 45 minutes. It can be "cute" when you smoke ribs for 5 hours or make chicken breasts for lunch. But when you want to make a 16-18 lb brisket or a whole 20 lb pork leg, it's a project. Do you think you can go do an errand at the convenience store that day? Trust me, life will make sure that's when the fire will die. Just to give you an idea, I prepared my famous wagyu brisket on Friday night from 10:30 to 11:30 p.m. On Saturday morning, my alarm rang at 4:30 a.m. At 4:45 I started the smoker, at 5:45 I put my piece of meat. The brisket finished cooking at 6:30/7:00 p.m. I remind you that you have to put logs in every 30 minutes.

I started my brisket, my daughter was crawling, when she tasted it, she knew how to walk.

This is why many people choose pellets!

When using a pellet smoker, it's very simple. You choose to turn the knob to choose the temperature of the BBQ, you let it preheat for a few minutes, you put your meat on the BBQ and you make sure that your pellet tank is full.

Every once in a while, you'll look at your piece of meat, take the temperature, baste the meat as needed, and when it reaches the desired temperature, voila! You've smoked meat.

Wood pellets are very easy to find, they come in several wood species which allows you to choose the flavor you want to add to your meat or fish.

With a pellet smoker, you can have people over, spend time with them, swim in your pool, run out of beer? You can go to the convenience store to get some while knowing that your smoker will continue to do its job like a good soldier.

The ease of using pellets and the fact that you don't have to chop wood with an axe or handle logs that may have spiders lodged on them make the pellet smoker a very popular BBQ among women. If you want to convert your sweetheart into a "pitmaster", it will be easier with this kind of BBQ.

The final result

If we compare meat cooked in a log smoker to meat cooked in a pellet smoker, it is almost the same. The wood aroma is slightly stronger in a log smoker.

The overall satisfaction of successfully cooking in a log smoker is also greater.

Except… using a log smoker quickly becomes a project. Which can reduce the number of times you’ll use it.

The pellet smoker will very quickly replace your own oven. You will cook everything in it, even your desserts.

OK, which one do I need?

Only you know your needs. There is no right or wrong choice in this case. There is only one choice that will make you happier than another.

When in doubt, do as I do and buy both!

PS: If you know my girlfriend, don't tell her I bought another BBQ, she'll be angry!

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