The BBQ Québec experience during a pandemic or how to get away with a dime

L’expérience BBQ Québec en temps de pandémie ou comment se virer sur un 10 sous - BBQ Québec

At BBQ Québec, we are innovating in these times of COVID-19 by offering a redesigned version of our annual VIP sale, completely in our image, respecting our values ​​of innovation, sharing knowledge and the pleasure of being together, despite the current situation.

Our company is recognized for its expertise in organizing events where our experts share their passion in a festive atmosphere of tasting and warm and informative gatherings, such as BBQ classes, BBQ camp, spontaneous tastings in store and celebrations of key moments in the company.

Every fall, we invite our loyal customers to our big VIP sale with cocktails, tastings prepared on the grill, music, a beautiful festive atmosphere where customers can chat BBQ with our advisors and make good deals. It's a way for us to really take the time to connect with our customers, thank them, and offer this personalized service that sets us apart.

With our experiential approach that stands out for our customers, we have chosen to continue to offer a positive and unique experience despite the health crisis context that we are experiencing this year.

Our team has therefore created a new VIP sales event, called the Masked Sale, which will be by appointment this year, in store or online. Reservations are made via the interactive platform where the user chooses the date, location and advisor of their choice for a 30-minute private consultation. Virtual consultations will be done on Meet with the in-store advisor who will be able to show the products and proceed with the sale, all remotely, with the customer in the comfort of their living room. Customers who choose to meet an advisor in person in our stores will do so in a context where safety will be a priority. After disinfecting their hands, they will be personally greeted by an advisor who will accompany them throughout their visit. Wearing a mask will of course be mandatory for everyone, distancing will be monitored and no customer will handle the products in store. Everything has been thought out in order to respect a maximum number of customers in store according to distancing. The formula by reservation and private consultation allows us to apply all the recommendations of Public Health, and obviously to be able to hold our long-awaited VIP sale (named MASKED for this edition ;)!

The event will be held in 3 of our stores, on October 26 in Quebec, October 28 in Laval and October 30 in Boucherville.

To reserve your place, it's right here

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