Developing new markets

Développer de nouveaux marchés - BBQ Québec

For the past few weeks, I've been receiving several messages about BBQ Québec's latest collaborations and partnerships. Most people ask me how we, the BBQ Québec team, got there, how we managed to get these or that projects, and even tell me how difficult it must have been, according to them.

In fact, when you think about it, it's true that working with big companies like Loto-Québec and Budweiser, among others, is really impressive for everyone. Even for me.

I notice that Ariane, Max and I have built our brand by demonstrating, like any good Quebec entrepreneur, that we "knock down" doors and that we are not afraid to go after large-scale projects.

You know, in all companies, there are times (often very long!) when you have to develop markets, find companies to do business with, and others when it is the companies themselves who take the first steps. When this happens to us, I realize that hard work always pays off. I tell myself that we have not done all our steps and all our projects for "nothing".

Honestly, I couldn't be more proud of BBQ Québec than I am right now, because really, collaborations with Loto Québec and Budweiser are very hot! Today, it is with the greatest pride in the world that I can say that doors are opening to us by themselves, thanks to the work that our team and ourselves (the founders) have done over the past few years; that these big companies called us, because we did things differently, because we dared to dare!

All this motivates me enormously. It makes me want to look even further and to look for who we could collaborate with next and in what way. It makes me ask myself "What's next?". Even that... my thoughts go even further than that. I also think about what our demand could be towards these companies and the almost infinite possibilities of projects that could be born...

It's funny, because I thought that when big companies come to us, that we would be satisfied, but you know what? Well, apart from the fact that we are happy to have attracted their attention, it makes us become more and more demanding of ourselves. More demanding in the sense that we want to live up to what they will propose to us and in the sense that we always seek to surpass ourselves.

In fact, the challenge is, and always will be, to stay true to our brand DNA. We must not only think short term, but long term. Plan what will happen in a year, then in three, five… and if possible, ten. We must be the guardians of our brand and think carefully about its value before moving forward.

We're on a roll, but we need to make sure we stay on the wave, take the time to reflect and ask ourselves questions in order to find another wave to jump on. It may take time, it may be quick, but we want to make sure we're on the right boat.

With that in mind, we are looking forward to revealing our new projects to you and, slowly but surely, managing to change the world, one BBQ at a time!

May the force of BBQ be with you (and us)!

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