Ultimate Tips for Buying a BBQ

Conseils ultimes pour l’achat d’un BBQ - BBQ Québec

You are probably wondering what to consider when buying a BBQ. We answer this big question in the following article. Let's read!

The ignition system

The ignition system is one of the first parts to break on an entry-level barbecue. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the protective box as well as the seals are well made, to prevent everything from oxidizing quickly and to prevent any possible accumulation of dirt. Therefore, an electronic system or a rotary system would be more practical than push buttons.

The burners

The larger the cooking surface of the barbecue, the more burners there should be. In fact, a large cooking surface with few burners increases the gas consumption of the barbecue. The thicker the burners, the more durable they are and the more they have the capacity to store heat. Burners made of fairly thin metal are likely to bend when exposed to high heat and they may fail within a short time of use. It is therefore advisable to have independent burners that will allow good heat control and indirect cooking.

Infrared burners

The infrared burner is designed to sear meat and reproduce the effect of embers and can reach up to 1800 °F. Made of ceramic, it absorbs heat and grills meat to perfection. It can be located under the grill inside the tank, or on one of the shelves of the barbecue, like a side burner.


The BTU per hour (British Thermal Unit per hour), is in fact a unit of calculation describing the power of a barbecue; that is to say the quantity of heat, for a chosen time, released by a heating element, that is the barbecue. The number of BTUs in a barbecue is therefore more of a sales technique than a real necessity. If it is sealed and well built, it will reach the desired temperature with few BTUs and therefore, by consuming less gas.

The grid

First of all, the grids, made of steel or cast iron, covered with porcelain. These are the least durable grids since they do not tolerate temperature variations very well. Steel, which expands when heated, risks breaking the enamel of the ceramic and as a result, the grid can oxidize quickly. In addition, these must be cleaned when the barbecue is no longer hot at all.

There is also the cast iron grill, which is ideal for making beautiful markings on food. This will always gain heat, unlike steel, which cannot get hotter than the internal temperature of the appliance. However, cast iron requires good maintenance to prevent it from rusting and it must be oiled regularly, to prevent it from drying out.

Finally, the classic stainless steel grill. The latter, depending on the quality of its steel, tolerates heat well and transmits it to the food. The heavier it is, the more it can retain heat and remain stable in temperature. In addition, it can be cleaned while hot.

The Magnet Trick

There is a myth in the BBQ world that although stainless steel is magnetic, it is not good enough to withstand extreme heat and rust. However, you have to take it and leave it.

If the magnet does not stick to the BBQ lid, you can be sure that the lid is of very good quality. On the other hand, if the magnet sticks, it does not necessarily mean that it is made of poor quality materials.

In this regard, it is important to know that there is an excellent type of stainless steel that is magnetized: 443 stainless steel. It is a "ferritic stainless", in which iron is found, but which, by its composition, is very resistant to salts, heat and fats.

So the best stainless steels are 304 and 443, then 430 and 416 which are the low-end steels, with a lot of iron and a high corrosion rate.

The tank

The tank is one of the most important parts of the BBQ. It is what will keep the heat and allow the BBQ to heat up. The tank must be thick, and made of stainless steel or cast aluminum, so that it remains beautiful and straight for a long time, while maintaining its thermal properties. The thicker it is, the longer it will take to heat up, but it will stay hot for a long time. A good thick tank is often compensated by more efficient burners in order to continue to offer the desired performance.

The cover

The best barbecue lids on the market are made of stainless steel, ideally 304 commercial steel, which is quite thick and has a lined bowl. The better the quality of the enamel on the inside of the lids, the easier it will be to maintain an even heat. It is especially important to check the lid seals, as the parts must be stable and there must be no unwanted gaps for heat to escape, apart from the chimney, which is designed to help evacuate the heat of an over-performing BBQ. This is why a high-end BBQ will have a larger opening at the back, because without it, the BBQ would not be able to control itself at low temperatures.

The cart

The trolley of some entry-level barbecues is made of steel, covered with a thin layer of paint. These are therefore likely to rust over time, since they have little protection. In the best case, the trolley will be made of stainless steel and it will also be covered with quality paint offering optimal protection. In addition, if there are wheels on the trolley, it is very important to check the effectiveness of the locking system.

The popular charcoal barbecue

Would it be possible to combine the speed of gas with the great taste of food cooked with charcoal? Now, yes! This is finally possible thanks to a new system that includes a gas cylinder installed under the charcoal, which allows everything to be lit more quickly. In 15 minutes, the cooking surface is ready. It is best to have a barbecue with a thermometer integrated into the tank to easily control the temperature and thus juggle with the different types of cooking. In addition, some models of barbecues of this type have a container into which the ashes fall, which makes them easier to clean.

In my opinion, people who have a small budget for their barbecue should choose one of these charcoal devices, since it is easier to find a low-cost and quality one.

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