Fall/Winter: Should I put a cover on my BBQ or not?

Automne/Hiver : Mettre une housse sur mon BBQ ou non? - BBQ Québec

This question comes up every year almost at the same time as the leaves fall from the trees: "JP, in winter should I cover my BBQ or not?"

Over the years and through several companies, there has been a lot of conflicting information and it is indeed necessary to take the time to look around the issue.

First of all, I confirm that covering your barbecue with a cover or not has nothing to do with the season. There is no specific temperature at which we should cover our barbecue, but rather it is a question of protection.

We put a cover not to prevent it from rusting, but just to keep it clean. In fact, the cover serves to protect it from bad weather such as dust, leaves and other residues.

When you ask me if you should protect your barbecue from snow I tell you, do you protect your BBQ from rain? No. Well it's the same thing for snow. If your barbecue is in a place where there is not much possible bad weather, you do not have to cover it.

I would like to make a few minor reservations at this stage.

If you have a barbecue that is not made for our Canadian climate, it will be important to cover it with a good cover and/or oil it frequently. I am talking here about barbecues that are made of steel and not stainless steel such as the Argentinian Grill or the "offset" style smokers.

In addition, you have to understand how important it is to opt for a good quality cover that is especially ventilated. Take the time to check these points because there are many lower quality covers on the market that are not perfectly designed. There are even several that have no room for ventilation. By opting for these non-ventilated covers, you risk damaging your BBQ and even causing mold inside it.

We have since this summer our BBQ Quebec covers , with 3 sizes to fit most BBQs on the market.

Now that you have made your decision as to whether or not you want to cover your BBQ with a cover this winter, here are some additional tips, whether you want to use your barbecue in the winter or not.

If you are not using your grill in the winter, leave the cover on and the snow on it. It is okay to have a lot of snow on it, don't worry.

However, if you are one of those who are grilled all winter, we suggest you do not put a cover. With the snow, the heat, the cold, the ice (in short, Quebec winters), there is too much risk of tears on the canvas.

Along the same lines, for those who will not be putting a cover on it, we recommend putting it away.

Here's the pro tip. Every year, I go out with my shovel and build the most beautiful shelter for my barbecue. Shovel snow around the barbecue so as to build a kind of igloo to prevent the wind from influencing the temperature of the BBQ while you cook.

Because the real enemy of barbecue is the wind, not the cold.

Other recommendation:

Although you may be tempted to light your grill with the lid closed so that the heat will melt the snow and ice, don't do it. It can be very dangerous. At all times, make sure to open the lid to ensure that the BBQ is properly lit before lighting the grill.

Finally, I am often asked if there is a greater risk of parts breaking on your barbecue in the winter, because of the cold. Know that there is no reason for a part of your barbecue to break because of the temperature, unless you try, with your big muscles, to open specific valves or joints even if they seem stuck in the ice.

If it's frozen, wait! Warming the parts slowly using a hair dryer can still work!

On these wise words, I remind you that here, at BBQ Québec, we barbecue year-round and it's just as enjoyable!

Try it this winter and let me know how it goes.


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