The art of flame in large... or small By Anthony Bélanger

L'art de la flamme en grand... ou en petit Par Anthony Bélanger - BBQ Québec

Some are already familiar with Arteflame BBQs. These works of art in corten steel topped with a plancha (flat cooking surface) in commercial grade carbon steel that have won the hearts of Quebecers.

The reason is simple, these BBQs are real works of art that enhance all landscaping, their size and circular shape make them the most user-friendly BBQs on the market and they act as a fireplace, thwarting municipal regulations against outdoor fires.

Well known for its large BBQs, many are surprised to know that the Arteflame is within reach of all hands and all budgets.

What?!?! Everyone can have an Arteflame?

To enjoy the pleasures of the plancha, you don't need a large yard or a complete Arteflame. All you need is a good old Kettle of 22.5'' or 26'' in diameter. All you need is an Arteflame plancha and place it on the Kettle.

So we have prepared our top 5 pleasures of the plancha for you.

1- BBQ lunches:

A plancha is a cooking plate. If you haven't already looked at your BBQ and thought: "Yeah, that would make a great breakfast!" Now that changes. The plancha is ideal for cooking bacon, eggs, French toast, breakfast sausages and anything else that's good when you wake up in the morning. Imagine yourself, on a Saturday morning, the weather is nice, your eyes are still glued together and you start to smell the smell of coffee mixing with the smell of BBQ. If that idea doesn't make you smile, I hope your parents kept the bill because you're broke.

2- The law of least effort:

Another very interesting aspect of the plancha, receive your family and friends at home without having to worry about cooking. Prepare your meats and vegetables and let your guests take care of the cooking. Strangely, you will have done almost nothing and you will be covered in praise for the success of your meal. Notice to fans of the law of least effort.

3- The joys of camping at home:

I mentioned it earlier and I repeat myself. It becomes an outdoor fireplace. Dinner is over, the aperitif is going well, there is still a small ember at the bottom of the BBQ. Just put a log or two in the center, blow on the embers or blow air with an Allumax and there you have a campfire. Get out the marshmallows, the guitar and your old French-speaking musical hits for a magical evening.

4- It doesn’t get any friendlier than this:

The plancha is a great way to gather around the fire. It's a much more fun version of Chinese fondue and no meat will be boiled in the process. No one will end up with chopsticks getting mixed up in the bottom of the bowl and no one will waste any food. It also takes the wind out of the sails of the person who loves to say, "When you drop your piece in the fondue, that means you have to kiss the person sitting to your right."

That's funny until it happens at a family dinner and the person to your right is your grandmother!

5- Passion fruit:

With a plancha, I rediscovered fruits. Grilled pineapples, oranges or apples with a little cinnamon and brown sugar served on vanilla ice cream, just thinking about it gives me chills. Even better, grill the fruits you put in your cocktails to take your mixology to another level.

If you haven't yet discovered the pleasures of the plancha, I strongly suggest you put it on your summer agenda...

Happy BBQ!

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