Buy a more expensive kettle or smoker?

Acheter un Kettle ou un fumoir plus coûteux?  - BBQ Québec

Before investing several hundred dollars in a quality smoker, it is quite normal to calculate the "pros and cons". Once we know that to be a smoker, a barbecue must have an insulated combustion chamber and apart from the cooking chamber, we still need to understand the differences between the models. Since the Kettle does not have an insulated cooking chamber, it is rather categorized in the section of barbecues that can be transformed into a smoker thanks to the All-in-1 among other things . Now, what justifies investing so much in a smoker when an entry-level barbecue such as the Kettle can do the job very well?

The purpose of this article is to explain to you the fundamental difference between an entry-level smoker such as the Kettle and other more expensive smokers.

At the outset, it is important to mention that it is possible to obtain the same results on meat by cooking it on a kettle as on a smoker such as the Summit Charcoal . The proof is that John Lattuca, known worldwide for his brisket, tours competitions with his kettle. Having a kettle is learning to play with fire, make mistakes, succeed, start again and not get the same result without really understanding why. Having a kettle is as exciting as it is confusing.

That being said, the main difference with a higher quality smoker is in the usability and reliability. To achieve the same result on a kettle as on a Kamado Joe , for example, you will have to work much harder to control your fire and you risk missing your meat at any time.

If we still take the example of the very famous John Lattuca, it is true that he goes around the competitions with his kettle because it is light and he knows it well, but at home, he has a Kamado. Why? Because when he simply wants to enjoy himself, have fun, not take too many risks, trust his machine and succeed in his cooking every time, he prefers to work with a more waterproof, larger and therefore more reliable smoker.

JP Lavoie, Pitmaster and co-founder of BBQ Québec often likes to make the following comparison: "It's true that you can race with a mounted Civic, but it's going to be much better to race with a Ferrari." Do you get the picture?

There is also the aspect of lifespan. Investing in a higher-end smoker will ensure you have peace of mind for almost ten years and even more for smokers such as the Hamrforge . A well-maintained kettle can last a few years, but the thickness of its materials in no way guarantees a long lifespan.

If you have a kettle and want to upgrade to a better quality smoker we guarantee that your enjoyment will be increased tenfold! You will still have the pleasure of playing with fire, while having an ease of use impossible to obtain with a kettle.

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Treat yourself to reliability and, above all, enjoy your BBQ!

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