5 years already!

5 ans déjà! - BBQ Québec

If I go back 5 years ago, it was with butterflies in our stomachs that we took possession of the keys to our store and finally realized the dream of having a storefront with our brand proudly displayed on the building!

5 years ago we opened our first BBQ Québec store in Quebec City! It's been quite an adventure since then, with the opening of 3 other stores, our first franchise, fiery partnerships and the move of our Quebec City store on Einstein Street to a location 3 times larger!!!

It is a great pride for me to celebrate this major milestone with you! 5 years of effort, 5 years of always wanting to offer the best to our customers and our employees. Long hours of sweat on our brow, the team and I, but always with a smile in our hearts because for me and my team, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that our service offers people opportunities to come together, hours of sharing around a BBQ with friends, good meals for our families… BBQ Québec is yes a family business, but the BBQ community itself is a big family, hence the importance for us to celebrate this event with you. Our BBQ adventure would not be possible without you our customers, and without the commitment of our partners and our fiery team.

So it is with friends that we will gather this Friday, January 17, 2019 in our new premises in Ste-Foy! If you have not had the chance to see our new store, or if you want to bring your boyfriend, your girlfriend, your cousin who is a BBQ fan, your father-in-law, even the whole family, so that they can discover it too, now is the right time!

Because at BBQ Québec, BBQ is 4 seasons, we have prepared a warm winter party, with guaranteed fun for young and old! There will be inflatable games, hot drinks and appetizers served during the evening! You can even try BBQs like the Beast and the El Padre de Hamrforge , as well as discovering the new Yoder's Cimarrons Smoker! In short, we have prepared a party for you in our image, a good family barbecue!

Hoping to count you among us.

Max Lavoie, President, BBQ Québec

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