Chef Stefan Jacob's Bacon Burger Recipe

Recette du Burger dans le bacon du chef Stefan Jacob - BBQ Québec

Are you looking for a recipe that is out of the ordinary for your evening with friends this weekend? Do you want to remake your love handles with the coming fall? This recipe is just what you need.

Plus, you don't have to worry about whether it will taste good, because this burger won the People's Choice Award at Montreal Burger Week in 2016.

Servings: 1

Preparation time: 5min

Cooking time: 15min

- AAA Angus beef patty ( Kansas dry rub )
- Pretzel Bread
- Garnish to taste ( Espresso Sauce , Funky Sauce) Chili Mayo, Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Pickle, Onions…..)
- Cheddar cheese
- 7 to 8 slices of uncooked bacon
- Oka cheese or other cheese to melt and drizzle over the burger
- Toothpick

- Cook your meatball on the BBQ until 3/4 of the way cooked
- Assemble the burger with the toppings of your choice as well as the cheese
- Place the bacon by crossing the slices to make a circle
- Place your burger and wrap it in your bacon
- Place toothpicks to prevent the bacon slices from opening
- Place the bacon-wrapped burger in a cast iron skillet or on an aluminum plate
-Smoke your burger until the bacon is fully cooked and crispy
- Melt some Oka cheese to pour over your burger before serving.

Enjoy your food!

photo credit
To visit his restaurant you can visit his website


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