The 3 stuffed summer burgers

Les 3 burgers d'été farcis - BBQ Québec

Whether you are an amateur or an expert, you have to master the art of the burger. Whether it is just to impress the neighbor, to spoil the children or simply to experiment, cooking a burger always represents a playground that we do not dare to explore often enough.

To do something different and break the routine, here are 3 stuffed burgers for the summer that will allow you to rediscover this classic dish.

The BBQ stuffer Quebec

In the kitchen, every good meal starts with the right tools.

THE BBQ stuffer Quebec is an accessory that is as useful as it is fun, which allows you to express your imagination beyond the simple traditional cheeseburger.

Made up of 3 removable pieces, the stuffer allows you to easily create meatballs and fill the center with a good portion of condiments and extra ingredients of your choice.

In order to make a meatball that will hold together, the steps are very simple.

  1. Put the minced meat in the mold

  2. Form the foundation by pressing with the lid

  3. Stuff your meatball with the ingredients of your choice

  4. Add a layer of ground meat on top and seal your meatball

So without further ado, we present to you the 3 summer recipes to raise your burger level up a notch.

The Bourgeois Charlevoix

This combination is a luxurious approach to a traditional combination. A simple and effective approach, with a rich and distinguished taste.

Serving: 2

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 15-20 min

Ingredients for 2 meatballs:

Preparation and cooking:

  • Without putting too much pressure, put ground beef in the stuffer to make your meatball base.

  • Stuff your meatball with a generous spoonful of candied onion

  • Add the 1608 Charlevoix cheese and the cooked bacon

  • Close your meatball using an additional portion of meat and seal everything by massaging gently.

  • Mix the Steakenator and Montreal dry rubs and coat your meatballs evenly.

  • Grill using indirect cooking for 10-15 minutes with smoking option and uniform temperature of 350°F

  • Brush with a layer of Blue's Hogs Smokey Mountain sauce and sear at high temperature on each side to obtain a nice caramelization.

  • Let stand for 3 minutes and serve on burger bun

The Rising Sun

Who says a burger can't be an acceptable lunch? Le soleil levant is a reinvented burger that aims to give you the energy (or calories) you need for a good day of outdoor renovation.

Serving: 2

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 15-20 min

Ingredients for 2 meatballs

  • 1.5lb lean ground beef

  • 4 tablespoons avocado oil

  • Pepper

  • BBQ Québec Argentina dry marinade

  • 1 tbsp granulated garlic

  • Worcestershire sauce (to taste)

  • Slices of Emmental cheese

  • Slice of cheese or pieces of Edam

  • 1 egg (per burger)

  • 3 pieces of cooked bacon (per burger)

  • 4 French onions

  • ½ hash brown patty (per burger)

  • Espresso Sauce

  • Brioche burger buns

Preparation and cooking:

  • Pre-cook your potato pancakes and French onions in oil, on a plancha at high temperature

  • Mix your ground meat, Worcestershire sauce, granulated garlic and spices

  • Without putting too much pressure, put ground beef in the stuffer to make your meatball base.

  • Stuff your meatball with half a crispy breakfast potato pancake

  • Add the Edam cheese

  • Close your meatball using an additional portion of meat and seal everything by massaging gently.

  • Grill using indirect cooking for 10-15 minutes with smoking option and uniform temperature of 350°F

  • Brush with a layer of Expresso sauce and sear at high temperature on each side to have a nice caramelization for about 2 minutes on each side

  • Arrange the burger on a slice of Emmental cheese underneath, adding a runny egg, bacon and French onions on top.

The blind spot

There comes a time when we need some freshness in our summer. Here is an unusual combination that will surprise you. Believe me, you won't have seen it coming.

Serving: 2

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 30 min

For the burgers

  • 1 cup packaged grated beets

  • 1 cup cooked green lentils

  • 1 cup breadcrumbs

  • 1 cup quinoa, cooked

  • 1 small grated onion

  • 2 cloves garlic, grated or very finely chopped

  • 2 eggs

  • 4 tbsp. California BBQ Quebec dry marinade

  • Haloumi Grilling Cheese, The Bedouin

  • ¼ cup pine nuts

  • Samurai BBQ Sauce Quebec

Preparation and cooking :

  • Pulse the beets, lentils and breadcrumbs; the texture should not be smooth, we aim for very small pieces

  • In a large bowl, mix together all the ingredients except the Haloumi cheese, pine nuts and Samurai sauce, until you have a sticky and semi-firm texture.

  • Without putting too much pressure, put your mixture of beets and lentils in the stuffer, in order to make your meatball base.

  • Grill your Bedouin cheese and roast your pine nuts

  • Stuff your ball with pine nuts and grilled Haloumi cheese

  • Close your ball using a portion of your mixture and seal everything by massaging gently.

  • Grill indirectly for 25 minutes at 350°F, without turning your meatball.

  • Serve on a burger bun with lettuce and Samurai sauce


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