Beef Cake

Gâteau de bœuf - BBQ Québec

This beef cake (and not "with" beef) is not, as you probably guessed, sweet, but trust me, it is as decadent as a chocolate cake with raspberries, blackberries, well, frosting and lots of other good things. 😉 Even so, this meal is quite complete (and naughty!); you should be able to make it to dessert with this. 😉

This recipe is a bit "fly", but it's fun to make and not too complicated. I use 2 nice machines: the Hamrforge Double Barrel Smoker and the Weber Master-Touch BBQ , but if your BBQ is big enough, you should be able to cook the whole recipe on it without any problem.

Here are the steps:

Required tools:

Ingredients :

Preparation :

  1. Put the smoker (Hamrforge) in “oven” mode by placing the charcoal basket at the first “bracket” from the ground and the grate at the top of the smoker (if another type of BBQ is used, work in the cooking zone indirect). Place the charcoal all around the BBQ, then place the pizza stone on its grid (make sure there is no charcoal under it). Preheat the smoker (Hamrforge) to 450 ° F and the BBQ at 400-500°F.

  2. Place the sweet potato tray on one side of the top rack of the smoker (Hamrforge) (the center will be where the meat will cook).

  3. Divide the meat into 2 nice big patties and place them on one side of the butcher paper.

  4. Fold the butcher paper over itself and press the tops of the patties with your hands through the paper to flatten them well. The patties should be quite wide.

  5. Sprinkle Montreal dry marinade, then Argentina on both sides of each patty.

  6. Place the patties in the center of the smoker grill (Hamrforge) and let them grill. Take the opportunity to stir the potatoes in the tray.

  7. Place the tomatoes on the BBQ grill, around the pizza stone and let them grill.

  8. Spread the Parmesan cheese on the pizza stone to create a cheese tile. Use enough so that the cheese is neither too thick nor too thin.

  9. Add the mushrooms to the pizza stone, around the cheese tile and sprinkle the Explorer dry marinade on top.

  10. Turn the patties over, then toss the potatoes again in the smoker (Hamrforge).

  11. Meanwhile, prepare the mayonnaise in a mixing bowl. Break the egg (or just the egg yolk, if preferred), add a little Colonel Mustard sauce, the juice of ½ lime (or lemon) and a little New Delhi dry marinade. Stir everything with an electric whisk, gradually adding the olive oil (or avocado oil). Eventually, the mixture will rise and harden. Add lime juice (or lemon) or New Delhi dry marinade if necessary. Set aside.

  12. Flip the pancakes, then the cheese tile. Add the sheep's milk cheese on top of the cheese tile and let it cook. Flip the tomatoes and sprinkle the Argentina dry marinade on top.

  13. Remove the patties for a few seconds and place the tortilla in the center of the smoker (Hamrforge). Place the patties on top of the tortilla and let it cook.

  14. Using a knife, cut the avocados in half and cut cubes inside their flesh. Take 1 lime (or lemon) and pour its juice over each half of avocado flesh. Sprinkle each of them with California (or Explorer) dry marinade and place them on the smoker grill (Hamrforge), flesh side up.

  15. Flip the tortilla and the cheese tile, then stir the potatoes. Move the mushrooms closer to the cheese tile so that they cook in its fat.

  16. When the flesh of the avocados has an apparent fluorescent green color, remove the avocados from the smoker (Hamrforge), empty their flesh into a bowl and using a spoon, roughly mash everything.

  17. Chop the coriander stems and leaves and add them to the bowl. Mix everything together, add 3 of the tomatoes that were on the BBQ grill, crush them, then mix everything together again. This will be the “frosting” of the cake. Set aside.

  18. Remove the tortilla and patties from the smoker (Hamrforge) and begin assembly by placing the tortilla, then one patty on the work surface. Add the mushrooms on top of the patty, then the cheese tile. Add the other patty on top of the cheese tile, then slice the remaining 3 tomatoes before placing them on top of the patty. Add the avocado mixture, then top it off by adding the homemade mayonnaise and a squeeze of lime juice on top of the "creaming".

  19. Serve with sweet potatoes on the side and enjoy!

Happy BBQ!

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