What type of fuel are you?

Quel type de combustible êtes-vous? - BBQ Québec

In the big, beautiful world of BBQ, there are 6 types of fuels/energy to power a grill: hardwood, charcoal, propane, wood pellets, briquettes, and electricity.


For those who would like to try cooking with logs, be aware that it is more complicated to cook with wood than with charcoal, because wood is denser and the air has more difficulty fanning the logs if the oxygen supply is reduced too much. The advantage is of course the incredible taste, but I advise you to experiment with charcoal before embarking on cooking with hardwood. It is often recommended to start the combustion of the logs outside the BBQ in order to obtain what looks more like embers, which is the easiest cooking to control. Another advantage of cooking with hardwood is that you can get VERY high temperatures for grilling. However, it can be more difficult to work with because of the flashbacks. Hardwood is the ideal fuel for “oven” style cooking, such as pies, pizzas and cakes. It is also very suitable for all types of meat, however grilling is more difficult to perfect. Finally, never use softwood species such as pine, because the resin in the wood gives an unpleasant taste. Also, only use BBQs designed for cooking with wood.


Those who know me already know that my house is charcoal. For the others, you will soon understand why. Yes, it takes A LITTLE longer to cook with charcoal and yes it requires more maintenance, but the end result is worth it. Charcoal is the result of a simple process that we call carbonization. The goal is to reduce the mass of the charcoal by heating it with very little air so that it does not burn. This high level of control will allow you to vary the cooking temperature quickly. Charcoal can be used in several types of BBQs such as Kettle, Kamado and even in some gas BBQs for which it is possible to get an adapter. It is so easy to cook with charcoal that you can even cook on the ground, directly on the embers, without a grill, if you wish! By the way, you can cook everything on charcoal: shepherd's pie, biscuits, hamburger, chicken, pork, beef, corn on the cob, baked beans, bacon, all types of grilling, searing and slow cooking. In short, it really is the most versatile fuel, and if you control your air intake well, you should avoid flashbacks!


The gas grill is almost as versatile as a charcoal BBQ. However, it will not add flavor to your food while cooking. It is possible to add liquid containers to add flavor, but especially moisture, because the gas flame tends to dry out the air and thus your grilling. You can also add wood chip containers that will add flavor to your food. The advantages of a gas grill are that it is very easy to maintain, easy to start, has good durability and generally, good power. The gas grill, given its speed, can also be used as an additional grill to cook vegetables while you cook meat on another grill. It can also be used as a winter BBQ!


Wood pellets, which are actually pressed sawdust without additives, are used in grills designed exclusively for this purpose. Its advantage is its ease of use, we only have to fill the smoker with pellets, plug it in, select the cooking temperature and let the BBQ work. Several types of wood are available and offer you several choices of flavor. The only problem with this type of BBQ is that it only smokes at temperatures ranging from 150 to 400 degrees, so it is not recommended for grilling. Despite this, you will have a lot of fun, ease and flavor for slow cooking!


Electric BBQs are more suitable for people who have very little space or time to dedicate to the BBQ. However, given the lack of interest, there are very few models. The advantage of an electric BBQ compared to an oven is grilling. Almost all electric BBQs come with a grill and a cast iron bowl that allows them to compensate for their lack of power by accumulating a lot of heat in order to obtain better caramelization. Electric BBQs can reach temperatures as high as 700 degrees!

To know which type of fuel is best for you, evaluate how you use your BBQ. Remember that the BBQ is a tool that can be used every day if you know how to choose your machine!

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