Valentine's Day Half-Cooked

Le mi-cuit de la st-valentin - BBQ Québec

On February 14th, Valentine's Day takes over my winter patio... While I suggest you cultivate love all year long, it is a special date and I invite you to celebrate this day intended for lovers! I admit it, I intend to pull out all the stops and light a few fires that evening. I am of course talking about my BBQs!

(Spoiler alert!)

First, my Allumax will have the task of kissing my coal, in order to grill excellent steaks, some vegetables and warm my baguette. Children in bed a little earlier, a glass of wine, a few candles and it will be the most perfect start to the evening! Then, for dessert, it will be the turn of my propane BBQ to ignite. Because I must admit, Valentine's Day is also a very good excuse to eat chocolate! Straight from my personal archives, my recipe for chocolate mi-cuit, passed on a long time ago by a friend. I will never thank her enough for this recipe. For your part, you will thank me, but later! Not on the evening of February 14, let's say! Enjoy!

Half-baked chocolate cake

Servings: 4

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 13 minutes

Ingredients :

  • 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate

  • ½ cup salted butter + 1 tbsp (for greasing the molds)

  • 1 Cup Powdered Sugar

  • 2 eggs

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 6 tbsp all-purpose flour

Preparation :

  • Preheat BBQ to 425℉.

  • Place a deep baking sheet upside down on the grill to place the cakes in the centre of the BBQ on the height and create a large indirect zone.

  • Generously grease 4 ramekins with the tablespoon of butter. Arrange the ramekins in a baking sheet. Set aside.

  • In a bowl, melt the butter and chocolate. Let cool slightly and add the powdered sugar while mixing. Set aside.

  • In another bowl, separate 2 egg yolks. Keep the whites for another recipe (meringue, omelette, smoothie, pancakes, etc.). Add the 2 whole eggs and whisk lightly.

  • Add the beaten eggs to the chocolate mixture and finally the flour.

  • Divide evenly among the 4 ramekins.

  • Cook on the BBQ for 13 minutes (no more!) by placing the ramekin baking sheet on the inverted deep baking sheet. Proceed quickly to avoid heat loss. Opening the lid slightly to slide the cakes in is also a good idea; baking is unforgiving.

  • When ready, the center of the half-baked cakes should still be quite soft, although they will look cooked. Check by shaking the baking sheet gently.

  • Let stand for a minute then, using the tip of a knife, loosen the sides.

  • Turn the half-cooked ones over to serve.

  • Dust with powdered sugar or serve with raspberries or ice cream.

  • It feels so good to lose your life!

  • Have a great evening afterwards, or fall asleep on the couch at 8:30pm because you ate too much!

With all my love, Happy Valentine's Day to all!


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