Samuel Bouchard

BBQ Lord

BBQ motto: “Low and slow.”


Campchef STX

Cut of Meat


BBQ Specialty



Samuel is one of the best friends of Jean-Philippe, one of the co-founders of BBQ Québec.

"I've known JP since I was young, we used to play together every night, so of course, when he started barbecuing, I started too!" he says.

After a brief stint as a salesman in the automotive world, Samuel helps Jean-Philippe and Max while they work for the family hardware store.

While Max and JP sell a bit of everything, Samuel is the first employee to sell exclusively barbecues.

“I believe I am the first official employee of BBQ Québec.”

BBQ profile

  • Your BBQ? A Camp Chef STX.
  • Favorite place to do BBQ? The classroom at BBQ Québec in Ste-Foy, there are all the accessories you need. Otherwise, in my backyard.
  • Who are you barbecuing for? Me and my girlfriend.
  • How often do you BBQ? Every day!
  • Your favorite spices? Kansas from BBQ Québec, Black Ops from Oakridge and Steven Raichlen's steak spices.
  • Do you eat spicy food? Yes, very spicy! I would say 6/5.
  • Meat or fish? Meat, I love beef and pork.
  • Your BBQ specialty? Hamburgers.
  • What does a Friday night look like for you? I either work or relax at home watching TV and listening to music.
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Still at BBQ Québec.
  • Your best BBQ memory? The first BBQ Québec competition in Saint-Jérôme with Max and JP.

BBQ Chronicles